The Irresistible “Woo”

“Mountains crumble in the presence of those who know how to wait, watch, and then boldly walk through the passage that appears before them.”   —Guy Finley

I don’t fully understand this place I’ve entered; but somehow, in spite of the darkness (or maybe because of it), I am comprehending what aids trust and am letting go of that which opposes it.  God gets smaller in my eyes each time my attention shifts to “my part” in procuring change.  Real change occurs – and when it comes it’s not optional; it is God who makes the demand for change, engineers the circumstances for change, and supplies the passion to make the change.

We can’t change our heart and the heart is where all true change occurs.  We can feel desperate, but we can’t make our desperation real anymore than we can manufacture our own repentance.  God is the author and finisher of our faith.  We speak, pray, cry aloud, and groan too deeply for utterance but it is always in response to His groaning within us. His presence is irresistible; His beckoning is deafening; His urging irrefutable.  He aches and we can’t help but ache in return.

He brought me to this place and insists I receive only what is good and right for me.  The circumstances seem bitter but I know they bring better things to come.  It tarries, and I wait.  The seedling has the right to grow even when I barely see any change in its stature.  Hope never fades and love never fails!

I keep anticipating certain outcomes and time frames.  Through disappointment, I reach for the irresistible woo of God to trust that an opening will appear in this seemingly solid wall.  Yes, I’m sure He’s not asking me to take a pick axe and force an opening!  He’s asking me to wait; to watch and see as His providence turns a partition into a passageway.  He is getting bigger in my eyes every time I resist the urge to eradicate my own problems.

I stay willing – instead of willful.  I wait (even when it makes no sense) and as I wait God is mounting trust (like a steed) and riding triumphantly — establishing my heart in the fact that He is too big to need anything from me at all.  In this personal relationship, I am the object of His affection.  He is silencing the fear of loss by becoming the only thing that matters and that which can never be lost or taken from me. To God be the glory!

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For Love or Money?

Living from the head instead of the heart will blind me to who I am and what I want to do in life. There are dozens of roles to play, duties to perform, or jobs to work to earn money; and the mind will easily justify forsaking what I want in lieu of the money I could make at jobs I dislike.

Discontent and unrest are born if the desires of the heart are sacrificed for money.  What good is money without joy? What good is money if the “real me” isn’t present to use it?  Taking a job that frustrates my being will generate grief and conflict.  If my vocation is not in harmony with who I am then I’ll spend money to feel better about myself through the things I can buy.

Greed will emerge as repeated attempts to be satisfied by possessions fail.  I’ll keep trying on “new things” to alleviate my misery.  My ability to spend money in accordance with my true nature will be compromised by the unrelenting dissatisfaction I feel having abandoned my heart for the sake of income.

At this juncture, I don’t know what else to do but trust God to lead me through this maze.  The head screams, the heart aches, the spirit leaps, and the flesh shakes…but through it all God remains active in me…faithfully finishing the good work He began.

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Evidence of Grace

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” Romans 12:6
I’ve stopped looking at what another can do to measure what I think I should be able to do.  What you do may be difficult for me and what’s easy for me may not be for you.  Let’s not make our gifts an opportunity to judge or compare. Gifts are in accordance with the grace that’s been given.  I have the grace that matches my gifts.  It’s like getting a toy car for Christmas with the batteries included.  I am given the gift and the energy that goes along with it.  I recognize gifts by their accompanying grace.

“God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8
That doesn’t mean it’s always easy; but it does mean that even when it’s tough I’ll have the grace to face the hard work.  My desire to conquer the difficulty is in proportion to the grace that’s been given.

“I have written you quite boldly on some points because of the grace God gave me.”  Romans 15:15
Paul spoke boldly because of the grace he was given.  Others have a merciful gift and speak with greater empathy because of the grace given to them.  The point is to be who I am, to accept myself, and to give all that I have.  I can’t give what I don’t have or try to be who I am not.  People need me for who I am.  I love who He’s made me to be.  I am equally as valuable as those whose gifts differ from my own.

“Those reputed to be pillars gave me the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that I should go to the Gentiles, and they to the Jews. All they asked was that I should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.” Galatians 2:9-10
Grace distinguishes me from others.  When a particular grace is evidenced then room is made for that gift.  The right hand of fellowship is offered because it’s hard to argue with grace!  Grace evidences God’s choice.  When I have the grace to do something it is like a spotlight shining on me.  Those who see will allow me to do what I’m gifted to do.  The gift makes room for itself and each person’s gift becomes relevant and equal.

And, in the light of the grace that’s been given, I remember the poor.  I offer my gift, my substance, and my being with no need for reward or response. I give because I want what’s been invested in me to yield an increase in myself and others. I will do what I’ve been graced to do and to leave the rest for someone else.  I may never know why or fully understand how another life is impacted when I am just “me”…but God does, and that’s what matters.

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Being Loved

All true meaning comes from being loved.  To love unconditionally promotes safety in others.  A glorious sense of belonging permeates the air.  If I put conditions on my love then you are left with only the struggle to be lovable.  This is slavery – the place where performance pressure is in full swing.  How miserable it is to try to be loved – how ecstatic to be loved just as I am.  Trying to be loved creates bondage, being loved fosters freedom. To fear the loss of love is to live in the struggle to behave lovely at all times.  This destroys freedom by raising an impossible bar.

Fear has a cruel nature and unyielding torment.  Its objective is to shroud the present moment – the place where Love dwells.  God wins my heart by loving me in spite of myself, right here, right now.  He leads me to my highest and best without making me feel inferior or defective along the way.  Love completely disarms fear.  If fear compels me to “get more” or to “hold back,” then Love bids me to “let go” and “live extravagantly.”  Love is all for me and my freedom is its goal.  When love sets me free then love for others is unrestrained in me.

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I Want to See

I’ve been watching myself squirm in this time of seeming blindness.  While trusting God I occasionally find myself wishing I could see a little further down the line.  As I settle down I remember that “seeing” comes to me in His time.  He brings truth and unveils the answers to the prayers that lay hidden within me.

Seeing clears the path between the inner kingdom and the outer world.  It is the evidence of our relationship – the fruit of our union. I follow in the dark until the light shines.  I want to see…and each day a little more clutter is removed from my view.  As I go, my opinions fall away.  Letting go of old thoughts is like breaking out of a cage.  I am my own prison and He’s here to set me free.

He removes the deceptions that I’ve perceived as real.  He molds my desires in conformity to His will and brings me to full agreement with Himself.  He constrains my longing heart and noisy head.  I find my desires and trust them to be His will.  He reveals the snares, their roots, and the wisdom for chopping them down. I can rest…He is perfecting that which concerns me!

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Undivided Trust

Forgiveness makes me feel better, regardless of the response. Forgiveness, like love and respect, is unconditional.  I forgive because it is who I am; it has nothing to do with merit. Even trust is without contingence (although I was taught that trust is earned).  I trust simply because I feel better when I do – determining that trust, like love, is a part of who I am.  If my trust is abused, I trust on… remaining in agreement with my true being.  The way I see it, everybody wins – I’m true to myself, and the trust I extend is more likely to draw out the best in others.  It’s a matter of faith – I trust God with my heart therefore I’m not afraid to give it away.

To clarify, I unconditionally trust CHRIST.  I trust Him in me and in you; my position is anchored to my view of union. Trust is easy when I view all things in Christ.  If your words or actions cause me pain then heightened trust will find the good.  I can trust Christ even if He is not overtly obvious.  I believe in the divine spark or the measure of faith that’s been given to all men.  I trust Christ as the all in all and trust Him to ignite the spark in others.  I trust with Christ’s own trust and extract His presence from unusual places.  This trust is linked to God.  I trust God alone…therefore I trust everything else.

Undivided trust finds the good.  Painful occurrences become vital catalysts for taking needed steps.  I’m hindered only when I judge an action (judgment severs trust) and lose sight of Love”s bigger message. God intends to save me from the illusion of separation – even if it hurts.  When Love speaks through hurtful situations He may be asking me to repent, or to get over myself; He may be asking me to love hilariously or to set a much needed boundary; or He may even be asking me to courageously walk away from an abusive relationship.  In any event, I can trust without condition that what is occurring is exactly what is needed to purify this vessel.

Discernment is not nullified; however a suspicious mind is often dubbed “discernment” while fear and faithlessness go undetected. Trusting Christ remains the key. Even my world view changes with this kind of trust.  I fear less knowing that nothing gets to me that doesn’t first pass through God.  Everything works for the good.  God gets bigger in my eyes and His generous outlook becomes my own. Worldly attempts at security or self-protection are put to rest as I nestle into the truth that God is in control.  Life is simpler, I am happier, and freedom of movement is accompanied by peace and joy.

I’m enjoying the exploration and the journey.  By the way, thanks, Claudia, for the term “undivided trust.”  Not only have I pondered it regarding trusting God “no matter what” but it fits with what the Lord is speaking in me regarding relationships with others…

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The Cross

When I look at mental anguish I see the soul struggling to find solace.  Inner noise is vexation and letting go of the racket is the key to calm.  Lack of forgiveness, judgment, and self defense are large contributors to noise pollution. Dwelling on an offense or tightly clinging to a principle is crippling.  The cross of Christ is the threshold for letting go.  The cross offers energy for living and dying – that which needs to die finds the power to do so, and that which longs for life finds new birth.  With the cross as a pen and my heart as the paper, writing is an avenue of healing.  But even writing, without the cross, can be just the soul’s inferior coping mechanism.

A hungry soul aches for a place to crucify the accuser and its endless demands.   With every cross-less attempt to stop the chaos, 10 more voices amp up the volume.  My soul has no way to escape this abuse on her own; forgiveness becomes my true lover and the cross our marriage bed.  The kindness of the cross mutes the noise and filters the false from the real.  It is my passage to soundness of mind, wholeness, congruity, simplicity and true union.  Some may look at the cross and call it crazy – but those who’ve danced with insanity know the difference.

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Limiting Needs

Turmoil occurs because the soul believes she is the crux of my being.  The soul is like waves in the sea, tossed by changing winds of doctrine.  She is not the wind, nor the gravitational pulls that cause a tide to rise and fall.  She is simply a responder and expresser of that which influences her.  With proud thinking she mimics the authenticity of the spirit.  She struggles to make peace with the world’s view – forgetting that the real me is dead to it and has no need to conform to its image.  When the soul is influenced by memories of a false and fallen self she continues to crave the trivialities of the world.  She clamors for position and longs for recognition, but the true self knows herself beyond such limiting needs.

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Remember the New Creation!

When I revisit the illusion that I can alter my own condition impatience anxiously awaits.  The pressure coaxes me to bow to the image of a separate self and to demand improvement from myself.  If I bow, disappointment steers my perception.  Doubt and discouragement flourish – and for good reason – for when expectations are grounded in the belief that I can ”will a change” apart from God then I am destined for yet another object lesson in the impotence of mankind.  Self-doubt thrives in separated thinking.  Negative perceptions such as, “I’m not good ground, I’m rebellious, or I’m lazy” are images forged by lies.  True discipline is refusing to gaze upon such graven images.  The victory cry becomes, “Remember the new creation!”  Born in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, the new creation rises from the rubble of fallen man to become my reality.  It’s not a matter of if she will prevail, but rather when will her prevalence be my only impetus?  I look to Christ’s image carved upon my heart, beyond the scrutiny of the world and its religion.  I am looking past the temporal to that which is eternal.  It is an exercise in focused attention – the true work of believing.

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NOT Thinking!

Living like a temporary Nomad is an exercise in letting go.  Living on a “need to know” basis easily fans the illusion of independence.  I’m surprised by how readily I crave the security of knowing my next move so I can feel in control!  The Lord is saying, “You are in what feels like upheaval. Don’t be afraid NOT to think about it.”  Hmmmm, now there’s a fresh idea!  What would happen if I stopped thinking about circumstances?  Isn’t it obvious?  The thoughts that chase me in circles have no power to change the situation.  Yes, I believe I’ll take a new approach – I won’t think about it anymore.

A different approach is being offered and I get to prove its validity…again!  I’m receptive because even though the language is familiar I know I haven’t mastered the message.  In lieu of thinking about my situation I will observe it and remain quiet by keeping all judgment far away from it. I will give the fresh approach a chance to reveal its own value.

I am happier when I notice, watch, and learn from “what is” rather than thinking about how I can change “what is” into something else.  The key to higher thinking is in NOT thinking – so room is made for God to fill the space with His higher thoughts.  I may think my current condition needs to change.  God thinks it’s perfect just the way it is.  I think it’s bad.  He thinks it’s good.  I think it’s hurting me.  God thinks it is healing me. I think it’s standing in the way of my journey.  God thinks it is my journey.

Thoughts are addicted to the abstract of change. They look at a situation – judge it good or bad – then immediately analyze remedies and improvements.  The reason thought can’t help is because the truth is…nothing needs to change.  All is as it should be.  The compulsion to change my circumstance is rooted in the illusion of an incomplete nature.  Judgment uses the feeling of being incomplete to strengthen the false need for change.  I end up trying to change the very things that are in my path to perfect me.  Struggle is a part of the process.  I live in perfect imperfection where both impotence and capability become divine manifestations of Christ in me – they work together to bring me to maturity.

Not everyone sees the power of weakness; many shun frailty or pass judgment on the flawed by demanding change (ultimatums rarely work).  I would not want to miss the budding life of Christ in anyone (or in any one area of their life) simply because the full fruit is not yet hanging on the vine.  If I’m going to take the liberty of judging a tree by its fruit then I’d do well to make sure I’m looking past the flesh and deep into the heart – remembering that God alone knows the heart of man.

Relationships that are judgmentally abusive are not healthy; they keep me “thinking” I need to improve.  If I still judge myself, demand my own change and punish myself when I’m incapable of producing it, then I will take that same abuse from others.  If I believe I’m defective, I’ll stay close to those who help me to feel bad about myself.  The abuse will feel normal because it is mirroring my own opinion.

Nothing needs to change – which doesn’t mean that nothing changes.  Change happens; but I believe how change happens is often misconstrued.  I remember when someone was tired of my apologies.  I was repeating the same mistakes even though I vowed to change.  I was told, “Susan, change isn’t change until it’s changed.”  I was dismissed for my inability to manufacture change.  Here I am (decades later) and I find the statement is true; and yet to complete the saying I would add, “change isn’t change until it’s changed…and it isn’t changed until the lack of change has changed all it hopes to change in me.”  In other words, I can’t change simply because I want to.  There is a greater work in motion and I do not control the seasons.

When I consider that nothing needs to change then I enter the atmosphere where change can occur. I rest, for God is continually at work in me causing me to will and to work for His good pleasure.  He who began the work is faithful to complete it.  I trust the finished work of the cross and the “little leaven” that is leavening my whole being.  I can trust that God has won, and Christ is the life now living in me.  Once I’m convinced that I am incapable of changing myself then I can trust God with this that He calls “me.”  It is THEN that I can walk away from judgment’s abuse and all the thinking that goes along with it!

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