The Sound of His Voice

Change and growth occur as I gracefully grow into changes that reflect who I am – even as who I am comes into focus. This ugly duckling becomes a swan in time.  The fruit eventually bears the good nature of the seed. Developmental stages may look awkward, but in the end, Christ is reflected in me, as me.

Conscious reliance on Christ is my practice. It is the work of intentionally believing in a me that is in union with Christ. It is not easy to rely on His action within me, especially if I can’t see the work He’s doing; but He’s asked me to trust even when it seems He is neglecting promises. I hold true when the flesh taunts my trust. The Lord elates more over a victory in my heart than a victory in my flesh.

Uncommon travail procures a trusting heart.  His unrelenting petition is that I trust His life to move me into action. My friend, Claudia, once said, “I love the sound of His voice in me even when it comes from another.” Her words were an echo of His voice in me and yes, I loved their sound!  For several years He’s been causing me to trust Him apart from any other source. He has been causing me to respect (love) the sound of His voice in me and to recognize that voice even as it comes through another.  He has been digging for trust (like gold) and has shown me the richness of His vein resting in me. I would rather die trusting God than live trusting the flesh and its egotistical ways.

Christ’s life is active. His method for change is rising like the natural leaven of this new creation. Change is a distinct feature of my being because He is.  My view has softened. Hard times are part of life; they are not hard lessons that denote wrong choice, slow choice, passive choice, or the refusal of choice.  This new heart responds favorably to His love – every time. Submission and obedience are a natural response to being loved.

The Spirit of Christ is the Inborn Teacher in my heart and I learn by observing His life in me.  I am watching Him integrate the role of the teacher, lesson, and student.  This union is making it easier to resist the old thought pattern that separates me from the Teacher and from the lesson I am already in the process of learning – whether willingly or with resistance. Learning is a gift received through union with Christ. Hard lessons are not waiting around to be taught; a life of learning is waiting to be spontaneously lived – in peace and joy and in the absence of fear.

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Responsibly Trusting Him

I bear fruit, not by struggle, but by resting humbly and receptively in His love for me. His presence is my true home; His voice my true conviction. My hope is in Him and He stimulates growth. I trust His ability to meld with my true desire for holiness. I remain still in the midst of motion and I remain in motion in the midst of stillness. With union in view my being conforms my doing.

Bearing fruit takes energy…to have energy I must receive energy for I have none of my own. The ability to receive is based on identity with Christ Who is the only true being within me. My eyes are opening in response to His command. Do I have responsibility? Yes, but it is not what I thought. As I keep shrinking before His Sovereignty, He keeps amending the way I think, see, and process life. I entrust my being, choices, will, waves of emotions, thoughts, actions and re-actions into His care; and I do it over and over again. I am off my back and on my side.

The art of receiving is wrapped in humility; the kind that comes when I am free to be no one and can let go of every identity, save Christ. Only His righteousness (His level of perfection and performance) has the purity to receive the Life of God. Humility identifies with Christ (is no one of consequence apart from Him) and receives all of heaven thereby.

God has free reign with me and He will get Christ out of me through the easiest means and measures available. He softens my heart and conditions my soil. I am His; He has me where I need to be. He creates cooperation within me. My choice is not greater than His will. He is all the while at work in me aligning choices and actions in accordance with His good pleasure. I responsibly trust Him to be the life, breath, ministry, and propagation of His will and gospel in and through me toward others. I expect Him…

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A Whole New Meaning

The subject of addiction sits at the core of my inner workings – which makes it a hard subject to resist.  For this post, I’ll highlight addiction as anything that a false sense of “self” obsesses over; that which the false self determines to conquer or overcome. It could be anything; even the equivalent to Paul’s thorn in the flesh. Addiction manifests in many forms but I believe people”s propensity toward addiction is grounded in the illusion of a separate self – twisting uniquely in each person.  There are no pat answers for overcoming addiction and the time table is God’s alone.

I see that some addictions fall off easily.  I’ve overcome many bad habits; but I’ve battled others for years with elusive results. Some destructive patterns are overcome in this life and others are not.  But this I know – every one of them is used by God to point to one true thing… faith.  More specifically, God’s own faith that leads to awareness of union and utter dependency on Christ in me, as me.  Perhaps the most stubborn weaknesses most effectively slay the delusional false self, converting my soul to the truth that Christ is my life and He’s using all things for His good.

The work of the cross, union life (the Gospel), alters the meaning of everything.  Sin no longer separates me from God; it does not erect a wall or a barrier between us. When Christ tore down the separating curtain He forever changed my relationship to sin.  In spiritual union with Him I find that addiction, bondage, weakness, sins of the flesh, or affliction of any kind takes on a whole new meaning. Now the cycle of addiction (whether overcome in this life time or not) is the opposition used to lead me into greater faith in Him.  It leads to abandonment to union, to His life, His strength, and to an absolute trust in His sovereignty that undeniably gets me where I need to be when I need to be there.  Some sins fall off quickly, others endure and cause the heartache which leads to greater faith.

Most agree, addictive behavior centers around self-focus.  Disarm the addiction by refusing the self that clings to the addiction, the way the addiction makes it feel, or to the erroneous need to cure itself of said addiction. Refuse the self-focus and starve the addiction.  The lust to self-improve fans the illusion of independence. A different posture can be taken. Stop thinking about it altogether.  The thoughts that cause me to chase my tail have no power to mark a straight line.  Instead of thinking about my situation I can watch and observe, and remain quiet by keeping all judgment far away from it. I give the fresh approach a chance to reveal its own value as I watch without judgment.  I refuse to separate good and evil by trusting God to use evil for good.

I weave in and out of the conscious awareness of my union with Christ.  I think we all do.  Addiction is strengthened when I forget that there is no separate “me” that needs to fix, change, alter, or overcome my condition.  This same “forgetfulness” also thinks there”s a “me” that can control “when” and “how” each addiction will fall away.  Independent thinking plays the “personal responsibility” card to incite self-effort as the means to the cure. I try to keep paradox in mind – for if one side of this paradox is too heavily weighted it tilts toward separated thinking – until Christ tips the scale once again so that His impulse in me, as me, is discerned.

His impetus in me prompts the release of a lie which signals me to let it go.  I do, because that’s who I am.  There’s never a question as to whether or not I want to let go of sin.  I am Christ in His “Susan Mucklow” form and I crave holiness and conformity to Him in every way.  His movement is also what triggers new patterns in me that lead to freedom from slavery – bearing in mind that I do not control Him, He controls me.  From an outsider’s perspective, my “trusting and waiting” on Him may look like disobedience; whereas my response to His movement may look like obedience.  The truth is, He sees the whole package and is pleased.

Feeling trapped in an addiction has much to do with my belief about God.  When I project too much sovereignty into my hands and rely to heavily on “my part” of this union then my determination to “rid myself” of the blot will either form or strengthen an addiction.  And certainly, if I believe in any way that God is holding out on me then I will rush to “self-supply” which opens the gateway to excess, compulsion and addiction.

I believe that freedom from bondage (like repentance or anything else) is a gift from God. It is not something I manufacture on my own. Paradox is at play here, no doubt.  “I” change my mind set (renew my mind, increase faith by hearing the word, etc) and I am the one who takes the new actions that lead to freedom…yet it is not “I” but “Christ” who lives in me.  Life is lived by faith in Him – and that means that I wait for His awareness and action to unfold in me (at the risk of scrutiny by anyone who misunderstands my pause).  If a victorious outcome is easy, hard, or not at all… it was He Who opened my eyes, caused the light to dawn, and enabled me to take the physical response that created true freedom.

Keeping the “paradoxical nature of truth” in mind keeps me on the same page… even if it seems like there are different translations at times! There is only one Holy Spirit, and He is saying the same thing from different angles. Remembering “paradox” keeps me humble and open, and protects me from the dogma that so easily divides.  Thanks for receiving Christ as me… for keeping shame, judgment, or comparison far away from this subject… and for embracing contrast as the glorious teacher that it is!

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Identified by Love

Union with others is established as my own heart and mind align.  Aloofness and emotional withdrawal occur in relationships when I feel separated from my own true being. When I take care of the root, the branches bear good fruit.  If I focus on a branch instead, then every relational offshoot is weakened.  The key to restoration is underground. Winds blow and branches sway; but a strong root system empowers any relationship to weather storms.

Feelings that trigger emotional outbursts are like storm systems, temporal in nature.  I feel what I feel, but the feelings do not form my beliefs.  Today’s rain is tomorrow’s sunshine. Truth and love are above the storm in a place undisturbed by gravitational pulls and shifting patterns of hot and cold. I allow, accept, and even affirm my own feelings but then I run them through the sieve of Christ in me. Who I am is higher than how I feel; who I am will temper feelings before they cause harm to those around me.

Trusting the inner work of God in each other is pivotal.  God has never asked me to fix any relationship. He reminds me of the inseparableness of my union with Him and that awareness enhances other relationships.  Schisms heal through the union I find within myself.  My soul returns to Him and all else aligns accordingly.  When I am my own true self then I relate well with others and possess the necessary grace to look past their frailty.  Unconditional love proceeds from who I am; it is not contingent upon another’s conduct. I live with the promise that love conquers all.

Unconditional love may be different than imagined.  Unconditional love doesn’t mean there are no consequence for actions or repercussions for remaining blind. It simply means staying true to who I am even if another forgets who they are.  I remain true to myself even when someone else is temporarily locked in their lower, intolerant, selfish nature.  My love will not be withheld and my interaction or connection may or may not change.  Any change will be in response to the love I know myself to be rather than a reaction of impatience, anger, or annoyance. Unconditional love takes care of the beam in its own eye and trusts the speck in your eye to work itself out.

These days I strive to conserve emotional energy by looking past attitudes in others that formerly triggered negative reactions in me.  I used to spend a lot of time trying to convey how their actions made me feel unloved, unappreciated, or undervalued.  Now I’ve found a passageway that takes me past the maze of “rights and wrongs” that previously kept me looking at relationships from the outside in. I’ve let go of the indignant need for others to see themselves and have found simplicity in my own self view.

I’m at peace knowing that the well-intended self-help industry cannot teach me how to love and be loved, to establish boundaries, create intimacy, or to become a woman who can make someone else happy. Much of the things I tried to learn to fix broken relationships possessed one major flaw – they came at me from the outside in.  They were based on behavior modification rather than heart transformation.  Only God can transform a heart. There are no tips, tricks, secrets, laws, principles, or practices that can turn a selfish heart into a self-less heart.  Repentance is the key to change and even that is a gift from God.  In marriage, as in Christ, I have no rights.  I am bound by love…the true nature of my being.  Good relationships are born in the revelation of who I really am.

Love [the true nature of my being] never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, doesn’t have a swelled head, doesn’t force itself on others, isn’t always “me first,” doesn’t fly off the handle, doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, doesn’t revel when others grovel, takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, puts up with anything, trusts God always, always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end.
1 Corinthians13:4-7 MSG [parenthesis mine]

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With a hunger to find God, I found the whole of who I am.  He is the principle I long to recognize, the character I long to possess, and the freedom I need to just be me.  He establishes my foundation and builds the walls that fortify my city.  He is my soundness of mind, my balance, my ability to partner, to parent, to originate, to cultivate, to create, to establish, and to secure.  The anguish of certain actions in life have merely been consequences leading to new patterns of living.  Over time I have learned that life is learned over time.  Life is filled with vital lessons in acceptance and joy.  He’s leading me to the high places of surrender so I can experience the depths of spiritual freedom.  There is nothing for me to fear, least of all my self.  I humbly concede the words He has spoken.  Established in His bosom, I know myself in Him.  I trust Him with my life; His word concerning me is in motion and will not return to Him void.

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The Irresistible “Woo”

“Mountains crumble in the presence of those who know how to wait, watch, and then boldly walk through the passage that appears before them.”   —Guy Finley

I don’t fully understand this place I’ve entered; but somehow, in spite of the darkness (or maybe because of it), I am comprehending what aids trust and am letting go of that which opposes it.  God gets smaller in my eyes each time my attention shifts to “my part” in procuring change.  Real change occurs – and when it comes it’s not optional; it is God who makes the demand for change, engineers the circumstances for change, and supplies the passion to make the change.

We can’t change our heart and the heart is where all true change occurs.  We can feel desperate, but we can’t make our desperation real anymore than we can manufacture our own repentance.  God is the author and finisher of our faith.  We speak, pray, cry aloud, and groan too deeply for utterance but it is always in response to His groaning within us. His presence is irresistible; His beckoning is deafening; His urging irrefutable.  He aches and we can’t help but ache in return.

He brought me to this place and insists I receive only what is good and right for me.  The circumstances seem bitter but I know they bring better things to come.  It tarries, and I wait.  The seedling has the right to grow even when I barely see any change in its stature.  Hope never fades and love never fails!

I keep anticipating certain outcomes and time frames.  Through disappointment, I reach for the irresistible woo of God to trust that an opening will appear in this seemingly solid wall.  Yes, I’m sure He’s not asking me to take a pick axe and force an opening!  He’s asking me to wait; to watch and see as His providence turns a partition into a passageway.  He is getting bigger in my eyes every time I resist the urge to eradicate my own problems.

I stay willing – instead of willful.  I wait (even when it makes no sense) and as I wait God is mounting trust (like a steed) and riding triumphantly — establishing my heart in the fact that He is too big to need anything from me at all.  In this personal relationship, I am the object of His affection.  He is silencing the fear of loss by becoming the only thing that matters and that which can never be lost or taken from me. To God be the glory!

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Undivided Trust

Forgiveness makes me feel better, regardless of the response. Forgiveness, like love and respect, is unconditional.  I forgive because it is who I am; it has nothing to do with merit. Even trust is without contingence (although I was taught that trust is earned).  I trust simply because I feel better when I do – determining that trust, like love, is a part of who I am.  If my trust is abused, I trust on… remaining in agreement with my true being.  The way I see it, everybody wins – I’m true to myself, and the trust I extend is more likely to draw out the best in others.  It’s a matter of faith – I trust God with my heart therefore I’m not afraid to give it away.

To clarify, I unconditionally trust CHRIST.  I trust Him in me and in you; my position is anchored to my view of union. Trust is easy when I view all things in Christ.  If your words or actions cause me pain then heightened trust will find the good.  I can trust Christ even if He is not overtly obvious.  I believe in the divine spark or the measure of faith that’s been given to all men.  I trust Christ as the all in all and trust Him to ignite the spark in others.  I trust with Christ’s own trust and extract His presence from unusual places.  This trust is linked to God.  I trust God alone…therefore I trust everything else.

Undivided trust finds the good.  Painful occurrences become vital catalysts for taking needed steps.  I’m hindered only when I judge an action (judgment severs trust) and lose sight of Love”s bigger message. God intends to save me from the illusion of separation – even if it hurts.  When Love speaks through hurtful situations He may be asking me to repent, or to get over myself; He may be asking me to love hilariously or to set a much needed boundary; or He may even be asking me to courageously walk away from an abusive relationship.  In any event, I can trust without condition that what is occurring is exactly what is needed to purify this vessel.

Discernment is not nullified; however a suspicious mind is often dubbed “discernment” while fear and faithlessness go undetected. Trusting Christ remains the key. Even my world view changes with this kind of trust.  I fear less knowing that nothing gets to me that doesn’t first pass through God.  Everything works for the good.  God gets bigger in my eyes and His generous outlook becomes my own. Worldly attempts at security or self-protection are put to rest as I nestle into the truth that God is in control.  Life is simpler, I am happier, and freedom of movement is accompanied by peace and joy.

I’m enjoying the exploration and the journey.  By the way, thanks, Claudia, for the term “undivided trust.”  Not only have I pondered it regarding trusting God “no matter what” but it fits with what the Lord is speaking in me regarding relationships with others…

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Remember the New Creation!

When I revisit the illusion that I can alter my own condition impatience anxiously awaits.  The pressure coaxes me to bow to the image of a separate self and to demand improvement from myself.  If I bow, disappointment steers my perception.  Doubt and discouragement flourish – and for good reason – for when expectations are grounded in the belief that I can ”will a change” apart from God then I am destined for yet another object lesson in the impotence of mankind.  Self-doubt thrives in separated thinking.  Negative perceptions such as, “I’m not good ground, I’m rebellious, or I’m lazy” are images forged by lies.  True discipline is refusing to gaze upon such graven images.  The victory cry becomes, “Remember the new creation!”  Born in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, the new creation rises from the rubble of fallen man to become my reality.  It’s not a matter of if she will prevail, but rather when will her prevalence be my only impetus?  I look to Christ’s image carved upon my heart, beyond the scrutiny of the world and its religion.  I am looking past the temporal to that which is eternal.  It is an exercise in focused attention – the true work of believing.

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Easy Steps

Every urge to fix myself is a temptation designed to thwart faith and strengthen the illusion of independence.  I am provoked to prove an identity that does not exist.  Temptation tries to move me into a position of separated thinking.  Dismissing the urge is a continual lesson in letting go.

The enticement to take matters into my own hands or to try to make something happen is subliminal.  Beliefs below the threshold of conscious thought continually incite the effort to manufacture change.  If I take the bait, faith is undermined by inevitable failure.  Failure is inevitable because the flesh cannot replicate the freedom of the spirit.  I’m weary of trying; the need to prove any thing is disappearing.

Goaded steps or even those that resemble a parent coaxing a child feel unnatural.  I want steps that are confident and relaxed.  I want natural steps, or none at all.  Life’s too short to keep calculating steps in a vain effort to prove potency.  I will take the steps that arrive with clarity – with no mental effort, strain or manipulation.

When I hear a word I won’t presume it to be an invitation to perform.  I will not translate words into laws or allow the mind to assign meaning to that which only my heart has heard.  Words spoken in my heart are spirit and life; they supply their own freedom of movement and their action isn’t noticed until I am already in motion.

Argument and logic need not agree with my action.   Although the mind loves to analyze situations (so it can take credit for outcomes) it has no role in decisions of the heart.  An unsubdued mind resists the submissive role it plays in a life of true union.  It takes time, but my soul is bowing her knee to the “knowing” deep within.

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More Paradox

In co-union I find the poise of life—the balance between being broken and running wild; between lying down and running away; between being selfish and being selfless.  Although, paradoxically speaking how can I be “self-less?”  Christ did not come to replace self or to eradicate it.  It is “self” that accurately bears the image of one deity or the other.  On one side of paradox it is impossible to be selfless for God created me to be a self.  He asks me to love my neighbor as my self.  Therefore the self is to be loved, even as the neighbor is to be loved.  Loving and affirming myself is right – being the best possible me (self) I can be is my grateful response to God.  In doing so, Christ is glorified for it is then that His image is born again.  Love needs a self to express from, toward, and through.  Hence, Christ was born.  Hence, I too was born.  I ache for God, and yet it is God’s ache for me that sets the craving in motion. I ache to be me…this is His will at work in me.

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