Receiving Love

The Lord speaks in an uncensored fashion.  I have learned to write down the words He speaks to me, without the felt need to determine whether or not those words sound important.  Some days, I just hear His words of love for me.  He is not always shedding light on Scripture; He may just speak encouragement, validation, and acceptance.  Sometimes, simple is better:  He is real, He is here now, He is in me, and I am loved!

His Spirit in my spirit just wants loving communion with me.  Fixing me is not as much His agenda as it is mine. He does not talk to me just to straighten me out or to teach me a lesson.  He talks to me because He wants me to know His love for me.  He wants me to experience His love in ways that I have yet to experience.  Although His love heals and corrects, more importantly, His love assures me that He is with me always.

His love will correct my error, no doubt.  Not necessarily because He speaks an answer to a puzzling question, but rather, because a person who knows that he or she is loved is also a person who is able to walk uprightly. Warped areas are abandoned when love aligns my soul; my whole being blossoms and I walk out of the barren land. His desire is to love me with His intimate words quietly within my own heart. His indwelling presence imparts stability, dignity, and self-worth – all of which help to make my crooked places straight!

I come to Him now and expect to be loved, not schooled.  His love will naturally cause me to believe the best about myself and to trust His life in me to conquer every foe.  As I receive His love in every little way that He reveals it, I realize that I am blessed and highly favored!  He is for me.  He is my rear guard and He goes before me.  He is a hedge that surrounds me and He eternally satisfies my need to be loved.

His love will revolutionize my life, therefore I focus on Him and on receiving His love.  In that, all these other things are added.  The love of God changes everything – including my ability to love myself.

By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us.  1 John 4:9-10 (NASB)

May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.  2 Thessalonians 3:5 (NASB)

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Receiving Help

Where there is unbelief, there is no rest. Unbelief keeps me working in the hope that one day I will accomplish enough to be worthy of rest.  But rest is not the result of work, it is the result of faith.

Rest occurs when I trust that all the work is already done even though I wasn’t the one to do it.  My external behavior will always reflect my inner posture.  Am I struggling? Am I able to rest in the quality of the work done by someone else?  How often do I feel the need to follow up behind them to make sure the job was done according to my standard?  True rest comes to me when I do not think of myself more highly than I ought!

I am not the only one who can do a job right; and just because it was done differently than I would have done it, does not mean it was done wrong!  Arrogance won’t let me experience the rest that could come to me in the form of another person.  When I can let someone else do the work for me then I am entering the beginning stages of rest.  Peace occurs when I don’t heed the false need to improve upon the work they did.

It is important to receive a gift (or help) for what and how it is.  Help is not necessarily what I thought I needed, wanted or even asked for.  Like any gift, help is often given at the whim of the giver. To receive the nakedness of the gift that was given means I won’t try to exchange if for something else.  Only when a gift is fully received can it be fully revealed and thus appreciated.

God gives the gift of people.  Appreciation opens the gift, and its meaning and purpose is then cultivated over time. People are fragile (yet flexible) gifts and God intends careful handling.  His are good and perfect gifts to be engaged lovingly and respectfully at all times. As I look with wonderment at the differences between God’s gifts (people), I gain appreciation for His discernment of which gifts most compliment my being.

His gifts aren’t always an obvious pairing.  The seeming mismatch may be difficult to appreciate, but the unique perspectives are not without reason.   There is much to glean from each other’s point of reference.  We need not rush toward the agreement that may come later.  I am encouraged to enjoy the differences instead of trying to coerce conformity.

Spiritually speaking, there is no real work left to be done.  The only thing left is the rest.  There is a strong contrast between rest and work, love and law, desire and obligation.  Obligation feels hard, like work.  Desire feels easy, like rest.  I am meant to live in the ease of being myself and living in restful agreement with who I am.  From the place of true desire I can accomplish many things.  I may look busy but I live rested.

Rest is the satisfaction that comes at the end of a day well spent (not well earned).  To spend a good day is to draw generously from the bounty of eternal days within me.  I spend them freely because of my sense of abundance and belonging. Trying to earn a sense of satisfaction holds the limitations of a false sense of self and separation. Self-made good days come few and far between.

A day filled with true rest and peace is drawn from the awareness of inner faith; that place within me that knows that the Father has made all things well within me and that there is nothing in me that is not already making a full return to Him.  This is rest and peace; this is the atmosphere of grace that allows me to grow unhindered by the resistance of judgment and criticism.  I am finished.

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Happy New Year!

Time with the family was needed but the intensity of the desire didn’t surface until I was in their company. Christmas was wonderful. Michele had arranged a tiny, vintage RV as a “private suite.” It was parked outside their front door which made it seem like a cozy attachment to their home. Michele strung Christmas lights on the outside of the RV and made an outdoor seating area with a pathway lined with candy cane lights! Inside was a miniature Christmas Tree! I fell in love with this tiny “home away from home” and Michele’s welcoming touches stirred the emotions deeply. I slept wonderfully!

The time in California was laid back and computer free. Hanging with the family was easy and breezy. I felt for Eric…between working overtime and coming home to a fuller house, he was met with unexpected septic tank problems. Arggh! He maintained himself impressively…and it was very nice to sit together and unwind after such potentially trying times!

Brad was visiting from Utah so it was good to have him in the mix with Ethan and Cole. I love my grandsons – including their enormous amounts of energy! Can anyone say, “Guitar Hero”?! And let’s not forget our “Tech Deck” Mania! Just sitting and watching the boys was healing my lonely-for-them heart. I was drinking in their presence knowing that soon I would be back in my quiet New Mexico surroundings. I couldn’t get enough, and even now my eyes are tearing up.

When we lived only a few miles from each other I saw Michele and the boys once or twice a week for lunch or running errands together. We’d also have our occasional cook-outs and enjoy the Banas “garage band” and karaoke nights while warming ourselves by the Hobo Hottie. Spending a week living under the same roof was not something we’ve ever done. So, in one sense, that is not what any of us “miss.” We miss our close proximity, familiar routines and comfortable get-togethers. That being said, I can’t wait until our next time together…and the little vintage RV I now call the “Banas Bungalow.”

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I blog for simple reasons…I have unanswered questions.  Something in me needs to bridge the gap between the vibrant life of Christ and the life He seems confined to live through me.  There is a gnawing unrest, a discontent that pushes me to keep looking for some “missing” piece.

I was raised Catholic, answered an altar call at a Billy Graham crusade, was baptized in a Baptist Church, met the Holy Spirit in a Charismatic Church, discovered biblical integrity in a Word of Faith Church, learned to hear and to trust my union with Christ at Visionwriters – still, restlessness remains.

I’ve had seasons of rest, moments of fulfillment, and the periodic sense of purpose – but an underlying dissatisfaction is never far from the surface.  I’ve wondered, “What’s wrong? Have I missed something?  Does anyone else feel this way? Am I defective?  Is everyone else content?  Why do I still feel hungry? Am I malnourished? Overfed?”  I’ve felt ”used and burned out” at the same time that I’ve felt ”under-utilized and unchallenged”.  Inside, I cry.

A few years ago, I sat with a homeopathic doctor to look at my blood and diagnose potential health problems. We never got further than my informational chart.  When asked my occupation, I entered ”office manager”.  The doctor couldn’t have known how unhappy I was in my job.  I loved the ministry I worked for, but was deeply dysphoric with my function.  I felt bound to my position and didn’t know how to get out.

After reading my job title he simply stated that the job was draining my life and that it was crucial to my health and well-being that I quit. His insight was uncanny; he spoke many things that confirmed what my heart was telling me.  It took a couple of years to let go of the job; but there was one thing he said that day that broke my heart with its clarity…and continues to do so to this day.

I held the pivotal words close; I shared them once and received a disagreeing smile.  Embarrassed, I pulled back, downplayed the words, and privately asked God to show me who I am.  What did the doctor say?  He said I have ”an uncommon compassion” – the kind that ranks with ”Mother Teresa” – and that a ”hurting world” is ”crying for me to leave the office” and to find my own “Calcutta”.  The words still humble and haunt.

The words seem contrary because I can appear selfish.  Not knowing what to do with what I often feel, I get overwhelmed and I shut down.  Years of depression were shamed by a belief that self-pity fueled its presence.  True, I need an outlet for the compassion that feels so heavy – and yet in tender revelation I can also see that depression can be a form of intercession on behalf of those who bear unbearable sorrow. I often feel detached from my own emotions and so I wonder how I am so easily anguished by the pain of others.  I cry more easily for you than for myself; even movies can bring uncontrollable sobbing.

Having been raised in the All American Church, I long for a new view, fresh approach, and greater scope.  Can I understand union with Christ and not become His literal hands and feet in this world?  I want the actuality of the gospel and would guess that my missing piece is linked to my need to help others in a tangible way.  Lord, lead me to the Calcutta of your choosing…

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Meekness is a temperance of spirit that is neither elated nor cast down because it’s not occupied with itself in any way. It neither grumbles nor complains because it’s satisfied in any circumstance. I relate meekness to moderation and link it to Paul’s contentment whether abased or abounding.

Ask me, and I’d say I live moderately. My house is small, my possessions few. But the reason people live moderately determines meekness. Many who live moderately do so out of necessity or to protect against scarcity. People tend to create a controlled environment to safeguard against future lack. Fear is often impelling us to manage our affairs moderately. If we had more, we’d spend more, merely increasing the size of our controlled environment. Hence, we may look moderate but not possess a true spirit of meekness.

True moderation is born of the spirit with unselfish motives. It spends freely but without compulsion, gives generously but without coercion. Meekness sees abundance and humbly receives. To prosper is to graciously partake of the generous nature of God without the fear of greed. I once read a motto to counter balance greed which said: Do not take more than you can truly love.

We have possessions we don’t have time to truly love or even the heart to truly love it with. What might we give away if we lived by that motto? What might we live without? I’m convinced that in the absence of excess we will experience the joy of simplicity. As our hearts expand our lives will be filled with people, not things.

When I feel overwhelmed or discontent I clean a closet and give away what I don’t need. There’s a connection. The desire to downsize possessions is linked to the ache for freedom. The sale of the house represents freedom for me. I want to be debt-free; I want to pursue a dream of simple living, doing what I love, and living from faith-filled moments of trusting God.

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More Glory

“Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly; to venture on wider seas, where storms will show your mastery; where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars.” Author Unknown

I feel His disturbance, and trust His mastery. In losing sight of land, I shall find the moon and the stars! 

The nation labels it an economic crisis. Many call it a recession, some say we’re on the edge of another depression. I say, God is good. The house is still on the market…the price has been lowered multiple times…and still no nibbles. It feels like it can’t go any lower…

Imagine a glass of water three quarters  full with only one quarter of the glass left empty. Now picture the levels reversed…the glass is only a quarter full and is three quarters empty. The Lord is saying, “You want three quarter’s worth of security, and one quarter’s worth of my glory but I want to show you more of my glory than that!”

I’ve depended on the sale of the house to finance the future. I’d like a nice cushion, if you know what I mean!

Lowering the price again, this time more substantially, leaves plenty of room for God to reveal more of His glory through the absence of ‘security.’ The sale of the house alone would be miraculous at this point…foreclosures abound.

All I know is this…everything wants to feel scary and voices suggest that something has been missed (as though God’s not capable of making Himself heard, loud and clear).  I will trust God at all costs and receive the good that He provides. I will know what I need to know when I need to know it. In the meantime, the flesh trembles…

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