No Judgment

nullJudgment can be a ravenous wolf or subtle like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  It finds its way into the fold any way it can and even whispers through the veil of many prayers.  Variations of the ‘thank God I’m not like other people’ prayer abound. I want to see the truth that when I judge another, I judge myself.  It is a two-edged sword and I cannot have one without the other.

When I draw conclusions about you, I pronounce judgment and execute a sentence upon myself to perform in opposition of that which I have judged. It can be as simple as saying, “You are messy”, and in that moment a demand is put upon myself to “be tidy”.  The judgment places a rule upon myself and bondage is its fruit.  With every judgment comes a sentence and with every sentence comes imprisonment. Inevitably, I find myself living within the confines of trying not to be like you even though I inherently know that, in actuality, I am just like you.  Living becomes a performance impossible to sustain.  I will fail, and in so doing I will be found guilty of that which I judged.

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Resurrection Day!






Happy Resurrection Day to all my beloved.  I miss our traditional sunrise service and Easter breakfast.  I am happy that Michele and Eric are hosting their own; my heart aches to be there.  I will wake up early, go out on my deck, watch the sunrise, and celebrate my Lord’s resurrection and ascension!  I am with you in spirit!

The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.  ~Robert Flatt

Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.  ~Clarence W. Hall

And he departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find Him.  For He departed, and behold, He is here. ~St Augustine

Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song. ~Pope John Paul II

Every character has an inward spring; let Christ be that spring. Every action has a keynote; let Christ be that note, to which your whole life is attuned. ~Henry Drummond

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Lay it Down

When beliefs are tested the ground can seem unstable. I trust these places with the Lord now, whether or not I fully comprehend the new landscape.  Sometimes, He removes ‘go betweens’ and, instead, positions me in His direct line of communication.  When He does, I know He is asking me to find my own answers apart from other voices.

I am free to name the prescribed beliefs that I have trouble swallowing. As I describe my symptoms to the Lord I am trusting His diagnosis. Contradictions, disagreements, and interpretive differences are not symptomatic of a fatal flaw or spiritual disease.  They may simply be a call for inner exploration.

He can form insights that are mine to contain and communicate as Christ in me. Subject matter and delivery styles may differ between us and another, but the validity of nuances will bear His seal. It is important that I learn to trust Him as He is in me regardless of if how He is in me is received by others. The perspective He is solidifying belongs to Him – not to me or to another.  It was here before I was born and will be here after I’m gone.

The message He ascribes in me is for me first before it is for others. In Luke 22:32 Jesus told Peter, “When you are converted, then strengthen your brethren.”  This has been a lonely season, but my loneliness belongs to Him first, before any other.  He maintains His right to comfort me. I am being with Him as He desires at this time so that, ultimately, it may benefit others.

I press the dark for all that He has for me and resist the craving for external agreements. I am offering Him everything I think about Him, the scope of His redemptive work, and relationship with Him.  It is an offering that only He can guard and keep.  His intent for me to live from His personal word to me is intense (1 Kings 13).

I’ve thought of Paul and how difficult it would be to do what he did. Paul said he did not receive the gospel that he preached from man nor was he taught it by a man.  He received it by revelation of Jesus Christ (Galatians 1:11,12).  Upon his conversion he did not confer with flesh and blood. He was privately tutored by the Lord for three years before meeting with Peter for fifteen days (Galatians 1:16-24).  After that, he preached his revelation of grace for another fourteen years before coming back to Jerusalem at which time he brought correction to certain apostles who were sliding back under the Law. When they perceived the grace that he was given, they gave him the right hand of fellowship (Galatians 2). Now that’s trusting the Lord with your education!

It feels like a battle to trust the Lord with my education.  Beliefs are easily dispensed in neat little boxes. Doctrine can feel like a judge that makes me afraid to think outside the box.  I fear being labeled an unteachable, unaccountable, out of order, off the mark, erroneous, and out of fellowship rogue! Phew!  That’s a mouthful!

In spite of the fear, I cannot deny that Jesus Christ is personally rekindling my love and hunger for the Word. As I study, my eyes find scriptures that confirm that my doubts and questions are reasonable even if they’ve gone unanswered.  Answers will not come through the reasoning involved in drawing conclusions or making logical judgments on the basis of other people’s conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation.  The Lord is exercising His right to reveal Himself directly as He chooses.  There is an unfathomable kingdom being uncovered that has so very little to do with doctrine.

(I am not opposing doctrine or saying its not relevant. I am merely speaking for myself when I say that doctrine has strangled my childlike imagination and sense of adventure.  One side says this, the other says that – and they both back it up with plausible scripture.  Take into account that each verse must be kept in context, as well the need to understand the culture in which it was written, the audience for whom it was intended, the prevalent heresies of the day that were being addressed…and phew!…it’s no wonder I dutifully swallow spoon fed beliefs)!

The pure love of scripture and its revealing of Christ can easily become an exegesis.  I’m tired.  I just want to know Him, receive His life as my own, and to walk as He walks.  I want to express who He is in me without the need  to explain a doctrinal position.  I feel like I have no position; I’m not one to wade through the positional changes that have occurred throughout the centuries and yet I can no longer be told what to believe or how to interpret.  Betwixt, I lay it down in favor of simplicity and union with Christ that translates effectively in everyday living.

God will get me where He wants me to be and open my eyes to what He wants me to see.  I want to enjoy the journey and I can’t do that while qualifying my beliefs or struggling to understand one doctrinal position over another.  It’s blocking my view of Him.  I’d rather trust Him all around and inside and out.  If another disagrees with what comes out of my mouth (or pen) then I beg they pray for my understanding while praying for their own.

The Lord offered a solution once as I tried to explain how a relationship of mine experienced some improvement. What did I do to turn the tide? Did I start applying messages I’d heard on the subject? Did I make a concerted effort to be kinder, love without condition, to show more honor or respect? What caused the heart changes?

In considering questions posed, the answer remained the same…nothing.  I did nothing; the change of heart came as pure gift. At a pivotal point I heard these words,

Susan, you can dig around and try to find what you did to produce stellar results, or you can humbly receive the gift I have given. Consider both options, decide which one brings greater peace and joy, and then rest your faith in that vein of living.

I decided to view life as a gift I receive rather than something I can control. Encapsulated in trust, I saw my way to living free from the fear of Susan. The result was increased movement; I found the freedom to explore, speak, move, and to just be myself in the absence of fear.  That alone gave the new perspective cause for celebration!

I am revisiting the Lord’s offer to ‘rest my faith in that vein of living’ again regarding attempts to fit scripture into correct doctrinal pockets.  I’m back to simplicity, trusting that Christ in me offers gifts of insight as He is in me.

[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [ which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope] that if possible I may attain to the [spiritual and moral] resurrection [that lifts me] out from among the dead [even while in the body].  Not that I have now attained [this ideal], or have already been made perfect, but I press on to lay hold of (grasp) and make my own, that for which Christ Jesus (the Messiah) has laid hold of me and made me His own. I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. So let those [of us] who are spiritually mature and full-grown have this mind and hold these convictions; and if in any respect you have a different attitude of mind, God will make that clear to you also. Only let us hold true to what we have already attained and walk and order our lives by that.

Philippians 3:10-16 (AMP)

As I view these words in the light of union they take on new meaning.  I am at rest knowing that He who began a good work in me is faithfully completing it!

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Nothing and Everything

I thank God for each eye-opening experience. There is darkness in the interior realm that only He can use! Until He brings the light, I remain in the dark about the cause or source of the disturbances I feel. Today, I glory in the paradox of being the cause of nothing… and of everything.

God is at work in me, of this I am certain. Nothing changes in me apart from Him. He is my awakening and my continued slumber. When I finally see what I could not see it feels like I could have seen it sooner…but I could not. Conditions (painful and other) create my preparedness to see, to let go, and to grow.

I see a profound connection between letting go and growing up. In a world that pushes for the right to be heard, disagreement easily becomes a common form of self-expression. It’s a snare to wrestle with a difference of interpretation regarding the interactions between us. It can feel like I don’t exist until differences are heard and acknowledged – but who I really am is safe without it.

Heeding the holy unction to “shhh…be quiet” is teaching me that the practice of going silent, letting go of judgment, and of the pain of my own narrow view, is the secret I’ve been looking for. Not one portion of my true person-hood needs to be right, understood, or agreed with. Going silent is the space that shows me that a hasty reaction to disagreement is the cause of most turmoil. Silence creates this beautiful room for growth and fosters the grace that allows others room to grow as well.

Each time I refuse to respond to mental blows with a blow of my own, another gets to see for themselves that the antagonist they deal with is also in their own flesh. Seeing the source of pain is the beginning of the end of it. There is nothing for me to do with pain but to let it be as “nothing” to me. When I refuse to enter the boxing ring I make a way for another to do the same. By taking myself out of the mix the cycle of antagonism is broken and I am free to face the paradox of being the cause of all and of nothing.

Union is irrevocable. Christ is the Author and Finisher of my faith; He’s at work in me causing me to both will and to work for His good pleasure. He does it all and I do nothing…until I am prepared for action…then it will seem as though I do it all. Choice, action, and change are all irresistible. They are the natural response to His inner work; each surfaces as the obvious next step to that which He’s been perfecting in me. I take the step…but His internal engineering makes the step too unavoidable to call it my own or to take the credit for taking it.

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In the Shadow

I recognize His vigilance eclipsing as me.  Christ is the watcher and observer within.  He bends this heart to trust the Father, the Faithful One who reveals each step.  To rest soundly in the mind of Christ is to quietly let go of the impulse to interpret or decode life, or to take impulsive actions in response to uncomfortable happenings.

A train is being derailed in my life for which I am eternally grateful.  I recently noticed how pain from old wounds continually resurfaced.  Any resemblance to that which caused the initial infliction could stir familiar feelings in me. It’s been my practice to “let them go” and to trust God to unravel the snares.  I was judging the amount of “practice” I was needing when He painted the following picture…

I was sitting on a bench at Grand Central Station. Trains were coming and going. A familiar train came into view.  Instead of boarding the train, I was glued to my seat and could do nothing but watch the train pass through the station.  As I quietly watched “my ride” go by, the painful expression on the face of each passenger gripped my attention.  As I looked closer, each passenger looked like a variation of me.  I saw the “me” who was violated as a child, the “me” who felt uncovered and unprotected, the “me” who became invisible, the “me” who lost her voice, the “me” who longed for validation, the “me” who felt betrayed, the “me” who felt discarded, the “me” who felt reduced, the “me” who nursed her private wounds.  Refusing to board the train offered an objective view.  I saw that the recurring pain belonged to the ghost of “Susan past” and had nothing to do with who I am today. I don’t have to relive painful experiences any more than I have to board every train that pulls into the station.

Torment is linked to the illusion of a “me” who feels capable apart from Christ.  She feels real; she suffers, she glories, she harbors injury.  The world reinforces the conviction of her reality.  Her illusion is deeply ingrained and there’s strange comfort in her misery; but suffering doesn’t make her a reality.  Christ is shedding my old identifications.  The real me would rather be “no one” (happy, free, relying fully on Christ’s impetus) than feel like a separate  “someone” whose misery (or triumph) makes her feel alive.  The false needs that have held me captive are nothing compared to the One who sets me free.  I embrace the full eclipse of our union and trust that His life will overshadow the flesh that longs for glory it can never sustain.  I don’t need the life pain offers.  I’m free to be no one – offense, defense, forgiveness, and exoneration belong to Christ alone.  I live safely tucked in the shadow of His wings.

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Breaking Ties

It can take a while to recognize the adversary because he comes disguised as my very own thoughts.  Grim thoughts take me down a dark road into a forest of negative feelings and emotions.  I don’t have to follow where they want to lead.  Rebel thoughts and emotions are subdued by the life of Christ as I discern His impulses within me.  He prompts the quick release of a negative thought and through union awareness I yield the natural corresponding impetus to let it go.  I cast down imaginations, recognizing them for the poison they are. Erroneous, lie infested thoughts will lead me to the emotions they want me to feel.  If I entertain the thoughts and find myself caught up in ugly feelings then I will soon find myself behaving falsely. Feelings empower behavior. With the practice of bringing thoughts into captivity they are soon denied the freedom they once had in me.  I break the intimacy I formerly had with old thought patterns. Going silent means detaching from the company of erstwhile thoughts.  As imaginations are cast down, thoughts come into the obedience (under the authority) of Christ.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (KJV)

The arms with which we are fighting are not those of the flesh, but they are strong before God for the destruction of high places; putting an end to reasonings, and every high thing which is lifted up against the knowledge of God, and causing every thought to come under the authority of Christ.  2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (BBE)

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Going Silent

Going silent is now my favorite practice.  The thought realm seems to emphasize quantity over quality and so my spiritual practice is to downsize.  Mind chatter cheapens my soul and thwarts my quiet fellowship with the mind of Christ.

It is a spiritual risk but I’m challenging my own perceptions, opinions, interpretations, and even discernments (accurate or inaccurate, it doesn’t matter).  I am again resisting the urge to be understood by others (including myself).  If I feel misrepresented, misjudged, or like I’m on the receiving end of a sniper attack my practice is to go silent and to calmly escape the bullet.

I really have no need to defend, protect, or preserve my character with anyone anymore.  Other people’s opinion of me is none of my business.  I desire peace and silencing my own mind is my objective. I will not voice complaints against objectionable behaviors or seeming betrayals…not even in my own head.  What I will do is “work out” my own salvation with a trembling tenderness of conscience before the Lord.

It helps to keep in mind that my view is partial at best.  What I see is part of the picture.  Once I realize the view is limited I diffuse the urge to let the snapshot become a panoramic view.  There are other pieces to the puzzle, other chapters yet to be written, and events yet to unfold.  A reactionary life is exhausting.  It is far more enjoyable to let the moment pass and to find the correct response a little farther down the road.

Knowing the way the mind works motivates me to keep letting go.  Abandoning my self to the peace and joy of inner silence is making my life worth the living. I have no need to preserve a self-image.  I really am free to be no one.  In fact, nothing is more enticing to me.  Silencing the need to be validated or affirmed by others also silences the need for the continuation of that validation.  False needs are a bottomless pit.

So for today, my friends, forgive me if the voicing of any complaints has caused you unrest.  At best, it weakened your respect for me.  At worst, it weakened your respect for others.  Let it all go, life is too short.  Complaining is self interest that disturbs the peace of knowing and enjoying God as the all in all.  After all, nothing gets to me that does not first pass through God.

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It’s Up to Him

I am here in New Mexico and that is enough.  The rest remains in the hands of the One who generates real emotion and passion.  I expect more from Him than what I know cannot come from me. I won’t limit my expectations in an effort to avoid disappointment.  I shift my focus and cast off restraint when it comes to looking to God to do abundantly above and beyond all I could ask or think.  It”s not up to me to make this “move” meaningful.

We moved on a desire and trust it to make room for a new revelation of Christ.  Desire carves out space for Him to rush into.  The act of desiring is the act of preparing and emptying out a new spot for Him to fill.  Through desire I see my greater need.  Desire seems to arise out of a need with the sole purpose of being able to receive Him as the true supply.  A new desire becomes the next new place in me that He intends to flood.

A desire seems to call Him into my awareness. To recognize a desire and to see its fulfillment is to see a new manifestation of my union with Christ.  Every true desire of my heart is Christ longing to be Himself in me.  To sit with the desire (allowing it to blossom) is to make room for His expression in me, as me.

To take hold of the new means I must let go of the familiar.  For every perceived loss there is an equal or greater gain.  Fruit is born out of death; God makes a statement by taking loss and turning it to gain.  He reveals Himself in the earth of my life through a seedling of desire and His image is reflected in the fruit that is born. He is my surrender…all the way to the point of true reflection.  He supplies the energy and drive.  I remain still in the midst of His motion.

Humility is taking Christ as identity and receiving all of heaven thereby.  Desire is born of God; I know I cannot transform myself.  At best, I can rearrange life and pretend its real change when it is not.  I can alter external environment but only Christ can alter spiritual scenery.  He opens my eyes to see the green and the lush as it springs forth.

Flowers are growing and lining the pathways of my life.  I am like a cracked pot who drips water; I feel flawed – but I will see that every drop of water is creating a bright spot in the earth around me.  Bearing fruit is not my strain or struggle.  It is a natural occurrence for one who abides in the Vine.  I see the fruit that is already born.  The already ripened fruit is being shaken off and the “greater harvest” is up to Him…

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A million negative thoughts and feelings can come to beat me down but as I “go silent” they pass on by.  I don’t have to go where thoughts want to lead me and I don’t have to feel what they want me to feel.  Dismissing thoughts is like standing under a see-through umbrella; the negative thoughts rain down like bird droppings; they hit and splatter, but they’re not actually landing on me.  I may still flinch when I see one coming, but as long as I stay under the umbrella I’m safe and unsullied.

If I abandon the umbrella and connect with a negative thought then I run the risk of becoming obsessed by it.  Thoughts need my focus in order to disturb my peace or drive me toward negative reactions.  I’ll end up saying what I shouldn’t say and doing what I shouldn’t do – all because I put a single thought under a microscope and magnified it until it was all I could see. To detach from negative thoughts is to go back under the umbrella.  I may always see them and hear them splatter, but I don”t have to be adversely affected by them.  In this way I am in the world but not of it.

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His Winnowing Fork

I baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: whose winnowing fork [fan] is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Matthew 3:11-12 (KJV)

FAN: A two-fold instrument used for winnowing grain.  One fan is like a fork used to throw the grain to the wind so the chaff may be blown away: the other fan is used to produce wind when the air is too calm (so the fork can be used again).

It seems like a strange verse to speak into my life and it hardly seems comforting; yet I find it very comforting for it reminds me that He is in control.  His winnowing fork is in His hand.  Like grain, my life is tossed into the wind so the chaff can be blown from the wheat.  And when the air is too calm, His fan stirs the wind so He can throw the grain once again.  He is thoroughly purging His threshing floor and making the ground useful – smoothing it off and beating it down.  I am the wheat He’s gathering into His barn; a pure and abundant harvest.  This verse speaks of the chaos but reminds me that He’s good, He knows what He”s doing, I’m in His process, and all is well.  I  will come out clean.  He is removing the chaff in me, making a pure and holy habitation.  I trust Him to do this work.  I cannot control happenstance, strengthen weakness, or open my eyes; only God can baptize me with the Holy Ghost and fire.  I consciously step aside – once again – to watch Him do what only He can do.  I am loved, I can rest.

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