Nothing and Everything

I thank God for each eye-opening experience. There is darkness in the interior realm that only He can use! Until He brings the light, I remain in the dark about the cause or source of the disturbances I feel. Today, I glory in the paradox of being the cause of nothing… and of everything.

God is at work in me, of this I am certain. Nothing changes in me apart from Him. He is my awakening and my continued slumber. When I finally see what I could not see it feels like I could have seen it sooner…but I could not. Conditions (painful and other) create my preparedness to see, to let go, and to grow.

I see a profound connection between letting go and growing up. In a world that pushes for the right to be heard, disagreement easily becomes a common form of self-expression. It’s a snare to wrestle with a difference of interpretation regarding the interactions between us. It can feel like I don’t exist until differences are heard and acknowledged – but who I really am is safe without it.

Heeding the holy unction to “shhh…be quiet” is teaching me that the practice of going silent, letting go of judgment, and of the pain of my own narrow view, is the secret I’ve been looking for. Not one portion of my true person-hood needs to be right, understood, or agreed with. Going silent is the space that shows me that a hasty reaction to disagreement is the cause of most turmoil. Silence creates this beautiful room for growth and fosters the grace that allows others room to grow as well.

Each time I refuse to respond to mental blows with a blow of my own, another gets to see for themselves that the antagonist they deal with is also in their own flesh. Seeing the source of pain is the beginning of the end of it. There is nothing for me to do with pain but to let it be as “nothing” to me. When I refuse to enter the boxing ring I make a way for another to do the same. By taking myself out of the mix the cycle of antagonism is broken and I am free to face the paradox of being the cause of all and of nothing.

Union is irrevocable. Christ is the Author and Finisher of my faith; He’s at work in me causing me to both will and to work for His good pleasure. He does it all and I do nothing…until I am prepared for action…then it will seem as though I do it all. Choice, action, and change are all irresistible. They are the natural response to His inner work; each surfaces as the obvious next step to that which He’s been perfecting in me. I take the step…but His internal engineering makes the step too unavoidable to call it my own or to take the credit for taking it.

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The Root of Goodness

Inner peace is taking over.  There is so much outer cause for trembling and yet I am at rest.  God really is good.  That’s the big revelation that keeps me safe and secure.

I find myself wanting only the most essential elements; peace, temperance, kindness,  compassion, contentment and wholeness.  I no longer want the  “conditions”  that promise to give me peace…I just want the peace!

Jesus Christ is the visible representation of the Father.  His life, words, and actions revealed the character of my loving Creator.  Jesus said If  I were to ask for a fish I would not be given a scorpion.  It’s the nature of the Father to give good gifts to His children.

When God’s character is no longer under suspicion I see the goodness of all things.   Answer to prayer may not come in the form I imagined, but by knowing the character of my Father I know it is rooted in goodness.

As I continue to abide in this Vine the thorny bush becomes a rose.  Worry, complaint, suspicion, and God-slander becomes obsolete when I get to the root of His goodness.  There is no circumstantial evidence that can sway my heart from the assurance of His good will.

Christ is the covenant.  It all rests in His work, His blood, His righteousness.  I am in Him, He is in me, we are in the Father.  Nothing is of my doing.  His  atonement finished the work.  The understanding of God’s goodness changes the face of the world I live in.  I have peace in the face of chaos, security in the face of fear, abundance in the face of lack, generosity in the face of greed.  All is well, for God is good…

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Responsibly Trusting Him

I bear fruit, not by struggle, but by resting humbly and receptively in His love for me. His presence is my true home; His voice my true conviction. My hope is in Him and He stimulates growth. I trust His ability to meld with my true desire for holiness. I remain still in the midst of motion and I remain in motion in the midst of stillness. With union in view my being conforms my doing.

Bearing fruit takes energy…to have energy I must receive energy for I have none of my own. The ability to receive is based on identity with Christ Who is the only true being within me. My eyes are opening in response to His command. Do I have responsibility? Yes, but it is not what I thought. As I keep shrinking before His Sovereignty, He keeps amending the way I think, see, and process life. I entrust my being, choices, will, waves of emotions, thoughts, actions and re-actions into His care; and I do it over and over again. I am off my back and on my side.

The art of receiving is wrapped in humility; the kind that comes when I am free to be no one and can let go of every identity, save Christ. Only His righteousness (His level of perfection and performance) has the purity to receive the Life of God. Humility identifies with Christ (is no one of consequence apart from Him) and receives all of heaven thereby.

God has free reign with me and He will get Christ out of me through the easiest means and measures available. He softens my heart and conditions my soil. I am His; He has me where I need to be. He creates cooperation within me. My choice is not greater than His will. He is all the while at work in me aligning choices and actions in accordance with His good pleasure. I responsibly trust Him to be the life, breath, ministry, and propagation of His will and gospel in and through me toward others. I expect Him…

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Full Circle of Trust

Trusting Him with “all things Susan” is the action I’ve been taking.  It is actually silencing torment and gracing movement.  Entrusting Him with this life is paving a path of perpetual forgiveness.  To trust Him explicitly is to trust everything that comes my way.  Trusting His goodness and sovereignty in all things is removing the rock of offense from my line of vision.  As trust takes over my heart, my soul is being cushioned with safety and rest. Trusting Him means trusting me and trusting me means trusting you and trusting you means trusting Him.  All is well for God is good!

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In the Shadow

I recognize His vigilance eclipsing as me.  Christ is the watcher and observer within.  He bends this heart to trust the Father, the Faithful One who reveals each step.  To rest soundly in the mind of Christ is to quietly let go of the impulse to interpret or decode life, or to take impulsive actions in response to uncomfortable happenings.

A train is being derailed in my life for which I am eternally grateful.  I recently noticed how pain from old wounds continually resurfaced.  Any resemblance to that which caused the initial infliction could stir familiar feelings in me. It’s been my practice to “let them go” and to trust God to unravel the snares.  I was judging the amount of “practice” I was needing when He painted the following picture…

I was sitting on a bench at Grand Central Station. Trains were coming and going. A familiar train came into view.  Instead of boarding the train, I was glued to my seat and could do nothing but watch the train pass through the station.  As I quietly watched “my ride” go by, the painful expression on the face of each passenger gripped my attention.  As I looked closer, each passenger looked like a variation of me.  I saw the “me” who was violated as a child, the “me” who felt uncovered and unprotected, the “me” who became invisible, the “me” who lost her voice, the “me” who longed for validation, the “me” who felt betrayed, the “me” who felt discarded, the “me” who felt reduced, the “me” who nursed her private wounds.  Refusing to board the train offered an objective view.  I saw that the recurring pain belonged to the ghost of “Susan past” and had nothing to do with who I am today. I don’t have to relive painful experiences any more than I have to board every train that pulls into the station.

Torment is linked to the illusion of a “me” who feels capable apart from Christ.  She feels real; she suffers, she glories, she harbors injury.  The world reinforces the conviction of her reality.  Her illusion is deeply ingrained and there’s strange comfort in her misery; but suffering doesn’t make her a reality.  Christ is shedding my old identifications.  The real me would rather be “no one” (happy, free, relying fully on Christ’s impetus) than feel like a separate  “someone” whose misery (or triumph) makes her feel alive.  The false needs that have held me captive are nothing compared to the One who sets me free.  I embrace the full eclipse of our union and trust that His life will overshadow the flesh that longs for glory it can never sustain.  I don’t need the life pain offers.  I’m free to be no one – offense, defense, forgiveness, and exoneration belong to Christ alone.  I live safely tucked in the shadow of His wings.

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A Whole New Meaning

The subject of addiction sits at the core of my inner workings – which makes it a hard subject to resist.  For this post, I’ll highlight addiction as anything that a false sense of “self” obsesses over; that which the false self determines to conquer or overcome. It could be anything; even the equivalent to Paul’s thorn in the flesh. Addiction manifests in many forms but I believe people”s propensity toward addiction is grounded in the illusion of a separate self – twisting uniquely in each person.  There are no pat answers for overcoming addiction and the time table is God’s alone.

I see that some addictions fall off easily.  I’ve overcome many bad habits; but I’ve battled others for years with elusive results. Some destructive patterns are overcome in this life and others are not.  But this I know – every one of them is used by God to point to one true thing… faith.  More specifically, God’s own faith that leads to awareness of union and utter dependency on Christ in me, as me.  Perhaps the most stubborn weaknesses most effectively slay the delusional false self, converting my soul to the truth that Christ is my life and He’s using all things for His good.

The work of the cross, union life (the Gospel), alters the meaning of everything.  Sin no longer separates me from God; it does not erect a wall or a barrier between us. When Christ tore down the separating curtain He forever changed my relationship to sin.  In spiritual union with Him I find that addiction, bondage, weakness, sins of the flesh, or affliction of any kind takes on a whole new meaning. Now the cycle of addiction (whether overcome in this life time or not) is the opposition used to lead me into greater faith in Him.  It leads to abandonment to union, to His life, His strength, and to an absolute trust in His sovereignty that undeniably gets me where I need to be when I need to be there.  Some sins fall off quickly, others endure and cause the heartache which leads to greater faith.

Most agree, addictive behavior centers around self-focus.  Disarm the addiction by refusing the self that clings to the addiction, the way the addiction makes it feel, or to the erroneous need to cure itself of said addiction. Refuse the self-focus and starve the addiction.  The lust to self-improve fans the illusion of independence. A different posture can be taken. Stop thinking about it altogether.  The thoughts that cause me to chase my tail have no power to mark a straight line.  Instead of thinking about my situation I can watch and observe, and remain quiet by keeping all judgment far away from it. I give the fresh approach a chance to reveal its own value as I watch without judgment.  I refuse to separate good and evil by trusting God to use evil for good.

I weave in and out of the conscious awareness of my union with Christ.  I think we all do.  Addiction is strengthened when I forget that there is no separate “me” that needs to fix, change, alter, or overcome my condition.  This same “forgetfulness” also thinks there”s a “me” that can control “when” and “how” each addiction will fall away.  Independent thinking plays the “personal responsibility” card to incite self-effort as the means to the cure. I try to keep paradox in mind – for if one side of this paradox is too heavily weighted it tilts toward separated thinking – until Christ tips the scale once again so that His impulse in me, as me, is discerned.

His impetus in me prompts the release of a lie which signals me to let it go.  I do, because that’s who I am.  There’s never a question as to whether or not I want to let go of sin.  I am Christ in His “Susan Mucklow” form and I crave holiness and conformity to Him in every way.  His movement is also what triggers new patterns in me that lead to freedom from slavery – bearing in mind that I do not control Him, He controls me.  From an outsider’s perspective, my “trusting and waiting” on Him may look like disobedience; whereas my response to His movement may look like obedience.  The truth is, He sees the whole package and is pleased.

Feeling trapped in an addiction has much to do with my belief about God.  When I project too much sovereignty into my hands and rely to heavily on “my part” of this union then my determination to “rid myself” of the blot will either form or strengthen an addiction.  And certainly, if I believe in any way that God is holding out on me then I will rush to “self-supply” which opens the gateway to excess, compulsion and addiction.

I believe that freedom from bondage (like repentance or anything else) is a gift from God. It is not something I manufacture on my own. Paradox is at play here, no doubt.  “I” change my mind set (renew my mind, increase faith by hearing the word, etc) and I am the one who takes the new actions that lead to freedom…yet it is not “I” but “Christ” who lives in me.  Life is lived by faith in Him – and that means that I wait for His awareness and action to unfold in me (at the risk of scrutiny by anyone who misunderstands my pause).  If a victorious outcome is easy, hard, or not at all… it was He Who opened my eyes, caused the light to dawn, and enabled me to take the physical response that created true freedom.

Keeping the “paradoxical nature of truth” in mind keeps me on the same page… even if it seems like there are different translations at times! There is only one Holy Spirit, and He is saying the same thing from different angles. Remembering “paradox” keeps me humble and open, and protects me from the dogma that so easily divides.  Thanks for receiving Christ as me… for keeping shame, judgment, or comparison far away from this subject… and for embracing contrast as the glorious teacher that it is!

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Breaking Ties

It can take a while to recognize the adversary because he comes disguised as my very own thoughts.  Grim thoughts take me down a dark road into a forest of negative feelings and emotions.  I don’t have to follow where they want to lead.  Rebel thoughts and emotions are subdued by the life of Christ as I discern His impulses within me.  He prompts the quick release of a negative thought and through union awareness I yield the natural corresponding impetus to let it go.  I cast down imaginations, recognizing them for the poison they are. Erroneous, lie infested thoughts will lead me to the emotions they want me to feel.  If I entertain the thoughts and find myself caught up in ugly feelings then I will soon find myself behaving falsely. Feelings empower behavior. With the practice of bringing thoughts into captivity they are soon denied the freedom they once had in me.  I break the intimacy I formerly had with old thought patterns. Going silent means detaching from the company of erstwhile thoughts.  As imaginations are cast down, thoughts come into the obedience (under the authority) of Christ.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (KJV)

The arms with which we are fighting are not those of the flesh, but they are strong before God for the destruction of high places; putting an end to reasonings, and every high thing which is lifted up against the knowledge of God, and causing every thought to come under the authority of Christ.  2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (BBE)

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Going Silent

Going silent is now my favorite practice.  The thought realm seems to emphasize quantity over quality and so my spiritual practice is to downsize.  Mind chatter cheapens my soul and thwarts my quiet fellowship with the mind of Christ.

It is a spiritual risk but I’m challenging my own perceptions, opinions, interpretations, and even discernments (accurate or inaccurate, it doesn’t matter).  I am again resisting the urge to be understood by others (including myself).  If I feel misrepresented, misjudged, or like I’m on the receiving end of a sniper attack my practice is to go silent and to calmly escape the bullet.

I really have no need to defend, protect, or preserve my character with anyone anymore.  Other people’s opinion of me is none of my business.  I desire peace and silencing my own mind is my objective. I will not voice complaints against objectionable behaviors or seeming betrayals…not even in my own head.  What I will do is “work out” my own salvation with a trembling tenderness of conscience before the Lord.

It helps to keep in mind that my view is partial at best.  What I see is part of the picture.  Once I realize the view is limited I diffuse the urge to let the snapshot become a panoramic view.  There are other pieces to the puzzle, other chapters yet to be written, and events yet to unfold.  A reactionary life is exhausting.  It is far more enjoyable to let the moment pass and to find the correct response a little farther down the road.

Knowing the way the mind works motivates me to keep letting go.  Abandoning my self to the peace and joy of inner silence is making my life worth the living. I have no need to preserve a self-image.  I really am free to be no one.  In fact, nothing is more enticing to me.  Silencing the need to be validated or affirmed by others also silences the need for the continuation of that validation.  False needs are a bottomless pit.

So for today, my friends, forgive me if the voicing of any complaints has caused you unrest.  At best, it weakened your respect for me.  At worst, it weakened your respect for others.  Let it all go, life is too short.  Complaining is self interest that disturbs the peace of knowing and enjoying God as the all in all.  After all, nothing gets to me that does not first pass through God.

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All is Only Good

For a long time I was afraid to explore my beliefs because I wasn’t sure how many of them were my own.  My heart asked me to step outside of a box but I didn’t trust Christ as me enough to follow.  I was scared to go alone and no one else seemed to have the same nagging questions as the ones my heart posed. How could they?  Union with Christ forms an eternal monogamy and no one else can go to the inner chamber where Christ as me takes me.  He forms a unique expression in me and that means we walk alone… together.  Each person’s journey is an emergence into their true selves.  For this reason, relationship with Christ is personal beyond degree.

Eventually, the familiar was denied stimulation and I was nudged away.  With the distance came daring.  I had to give myself permission to be potentially different from those I loved. Fear told me that if I were different I would no longer be liked.  I would not fit in.  It could be dangerous.  What if God authored a different translation in me than He authored in those around me? What if my differences caused friction?  What if I no longer fit the mold of who others perceived me to be?  What would it cost me and what would it cost those who had relied on me?  Fear used these taunting questions to keep me in a comfort zone…until faith removed the comfort and ushered me into the great unknown.

I’m here now, walking in the dark with the Holy Spirit.  I “go silent” often.  I release uncertainty, loneliness, and isolation often.  I let go when I feel deprived of old identities, familiarities, and liberties…I let go often.  But I am abandoned to the belief that I am His to orchestrate – His way, for His reasons.  I don’t know why one has to leave the nest while others get to stay. But I know this…His love for me is the cause of His action.  He has my best interest at heart.  He does it for me, not against me.  I have not been uprooted because of corruption but rather in-corruption. In trust of union I’m giving up the mistaken tones of distrust and despair – not only towards God, but toward myself and others.  In Him all is only good.

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Asking for Trust

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  Matthew 6:33 (NKJV)

If the kingdom of God is within me then His righteousness is also found in me.  I look inwardly and find the mystery divine – Christ in me, as me – and then I trust Him for the rightness of thought, purpose, and action in everything that follows. To trust Him is to proclaim no ability but His. Not too long ago, I thought to ask for wisdom (it served Solomon well) but instead my heart cried out for greater trust.  With greater trust came a greater awareness of union.  To trust God with increasing intensity is to dismiss the notion of separation altogether.  If I trust God, then “I” am not a threat on any level.  The “me” that I thought was my own roadblock is taken down by trust.  This higher trust is destroying the illusion of a defective (yet somehow responsible) Susan.

Thoughts of independence and self-reliance (even those hidden in misused words like ”responsibility”) diminish trust.  After all, if change depends on me then I have every reason to doubt. In truth, I cannot do anything until I”m abandoned to the truth that God is in full, total, and complete control.  Unlimited trust becomes synonymous with union awareness.  There is no separate “me” to depend on, trust in, or to expect something from; there”s no “me” to mess it up or get it right.  I didn’t know it but when I pressed into the issues of trust I touched a life that was more real than ever before. Trust is the most authentic evidence of relationship.  It is the fruit of union – the manifestation of His Person and Kingdom within. Each trusting step removes a little more old self-clutter from my view.

As I trust, my own opinions fall away.  The release of mindsets can be painful but it always brings me a step closer to freedom. Trusting God as the all in all (trusting His authorship in all things) erases the old perceptions.  The temporal is fading, but through union I am at home in His permanence.  I am led to that which never changes within me – that which is already perfect, finished, and spotless.  My requests meld in conformity to His will and they bring me to full agreement with all that He is in me.

Fear of the illusory self is gone when I trust God as my action.  Introspection and analytic thinking fade.  Hurt, anger, offense, insult, betrayal, loss, insecurity, and a myriad of other feelings are merely fear in disguise.  The enemy distracts me with an offense to keep me from seeing the lack of trust therein.  I lose the fear that forms the offense when I keep all things in God and accept all things as coming from His hand.  Trust has become a bridge and it is closing the gap in my understanding.  Truly, there is nothing to do, only something to see…and even that depends on Him.  He who began the good work is faithful to complete it…

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