Receiving Love

The Lord speaks in an uncensored fashion.  I have learned to write down the words He speaks to me, without the felt need to determine whether or not those words sound important.  Some days, I just hear His words of love for me.  He is not always shedding light on Scripture; He may just speak encouragement, validation, and acceptance.  Sometimes, simple is better:  He is real, He is here now, He is in me, and I am loved!

His Spirit in my spirit just wants loving communion with me.  Fixing me is not as much His agenda as it is mine. He does not talk to me just to straighten me out or to teach me a lesson.  He talks to me because He wants me to know His love for me.  He wants me to experience His love in ways that I have yet to experience.  Although His love heals and corrects, more importantly, His love assures me that He is with me always.

His love will correct my error, no doubt.  Not necessarily because He speaks an answer to a puzzling question, but rather, because a person who knows that he or she is loved is also a person who is able to walk uprightly. Warped areas are abandoned when love aligns my soul; my whole being blossoms and I walk out of the barren land. His desire is to love me with His intimate words quietly within my own heart. His indwelling presence imparts stability, dignity, and self-worth – all of which help to make my crooked places straight!

I come to Him now and expect to be loved, not schooled.  His love will naturally cause me to believe the best about myself and to trust His life in me to conquer every foe.  As I receive His love in every little way that He reveals it, I realize that I am blessed and highly favored!  He is for me.  He is my rear guard and He goes before me.  He is a hedge that surrounds me and He eternally satisfies my need to be loved.

His love will revolutionize my life, therefore I focus on Him and on receiving His love.  In that, all these other things are added.  The love of God changes everything – including my ability to love myself.

By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us.  1 John 4:9-10 (NASB)

May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.  2 Thessalonians 3:5 (NASB)

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