Active Faith

Life (as a journey) has a sweet way of validating the truth that God doesn’t lie and His ways are always higher.  I am grateful for Christ as my unhindered, unafraid, loving access to the Father. Our lives have joined; we have a shared aim – His ways in me are slowly shaping my own way of living.

Today I see grace and its direct link to faith.  I am to live by faith.  Living apart from faith is only a semblance of living; it has an appearance of authenticity but is banefully misleading.  Just going through the motions of life is not the abundant life I have been promised.  Faith, working through love, is everything.  Faith is the undercurrent of peace that allows me to take action.  Faith is the formal side of my personal trust in the Father.  Faith is the foundation of rest in times of tumult.  Faith authors each choice.  Faith activates grace…and faith only works through love.

It is this activation of grace that is clearer today than yesterday.  On the outside, one action can look identical to another action. On the inside, the landscape can be far different!  When the Lord shifts my focus, alters my perception, and clears my path, then I will find myself walking the same path I previously walked but it will seem completely different.  I will find myself walking in a faith that is directly linked with grace.  Until faith sparks freedom from fear, I am unable to hold onto the grace that ignites forward motion.   With faith comes grace and the two (mixed together) change my results. What’s the difference?  Active faith is the difference.  Active faith is consciously aware that my most substantial self is in union with His substance in me.  Living life without this kind of faith means that I can go through all the right motions, but the results remain weak and ineffectual.

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision carries any weight–the only thing that matters is faith working through love. Galatians 5:6 (NET)

The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves.  But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin.  Romans 14:22-23 (NASB)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Doreen Kelley

    Faith activates grace! The grace of God is holding this “GOOD WORD” together like eggs hold a cake together. WoW!!! I celebrate in being a part of your freedom experience, for we are one and do share in each others burdens and victories!

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