The Sound of His Voice

Change and growth occur as I gracefully grow into changes that reflect who I am – even as who I am comes into focus. This ugly duckling becomes a swan in time.  The fruit eventually bears the good nature of the seed. Developmental stages may look awkward, but in the end, Christ is reflected in me, as me.

Conscious reliance on Christ is my practice. It is the work of intentionally believing in a me that is in union with Christ. It is not easy to rely on His action within me, especially if I can’t see the work He’s doing; but He’s asked me to trust even when it seems He is neglecting promises. I hold true when the flesh taunts my trust. The Lord elates more over a victory in my heart than a victory in my flesh.

Uncommon travail procures a trusting heart.  His unrelenting petition is that I trust His life to move me into action. My friend, Claudia, once said, “I love the sound of His voice in me even when it comes from another.” Her words were an echo of His voice in me and yes, I loved their sound!  For several years He’s been causing me to trust Him apart from any other source. He has been causing me to respect (love) the sound of His voice in me and to recognize that voice even as it comes through another.  He has been digging for trust (like gold) and has shown me the richness of His vein resting in me. I would rather die trusting God than live trusting the flesh and its egotistical ways.

Christ’s life is active. His method for change is rising like the natural leaven of this new creation. Change is a distinct feature of my being because He is.  My view has softened. Hard times are part of life; they are not hard lessons that denote wrong choice, slow choice, passive choice, or the refusal of choice.  This new heart responds favorably to His love – every time. Submission and obedience are a natural response to being loved.

The Spirit of Christ is the Inborn Teacher in my heart and I learn by observing His life in me.  I am watching Him integrate the role of the teacher, lesson, and student.  This union is making it easier to resist the old thought pattern that separates me from the Teacher and from the lesson I am already in the process of learning – whether willingly or with resistance. Learning is a gift received through union with Christ. Hard lessons are not waiting around to be taught; a life of learning is waiting to be spontaneously lived – in peace and joy and in the absence of fear.

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