Expansive Boundaries

The more I recognize myself in union with Christ the more comfortable I am with myself.  I tap His expression in me and it incites me to be who I am. When identity is at rest, then personal boundaries emerge to safeguard false identifications with other people, causes, or roles. Definition comes to the foreground as the branch draws life from the Vine.

People perish for lack of vision. Vision is more than a goal to lose weight, run a marathon, write a book, or to organize clutter. Vision is about seeing who I am. As His image in me takes shape I find a worthy reason to be myself.  Apart from that vision, there is nothing worth fighting for.  With the vision comes the desire to carve out the space for incubating clearer vision.  It is the vision that calls for the boundaries.

A boundary is not meant to limit size or space; it actually creates the necessary space for developing my privacy in Christ. Privacy with Him expands my capacity for others. He transforms self-focus into generosity.  Setting the boundary is a generous step.  It clears the path so the transformation can be authentic (uncontrived, unfeigned).  He makes Himself clear in me so that what He has to say can set my standards.  When it comes to His will for my life He makes it known to me first.  This establishes my confidence in His voice above all others.

In general, a lack of personal boundaries clouds personal clarity.  To find, apply, and respect my own boundaries is healthy love and self-respect which precedes healthy love and respect for others. A boundary keeps me from crossing the line when condemnation and judgment join allegiance. It keeps me ‘on my side’ by creating the space for continual recognition of Christ in me, as me.

In 2004 the Lord spoke to me of boundaries and said, “Susan, where there are no boundaries there will eventually be barriers.  Boundaries support relationships, barriers do not.  Barriers are walls that separate; boundaries are simply lines that denote restriction; barriers divide, boundaries protect; barriers offend, boundaries command respect.”

Years later, I have an even greater appreciation!  Experience is a great teacher.  I love the learning process and the natural form that faith takes as lessons are inherently implemented in my daily walk.  Life holds joy when I move in accordance with His word and will in me, showing honor to myself and others thereby.  I am who I really am as I rest easy in who He is in me. I live trusting the ‘us’ that He is forming.  His unique perspective in and through me is what makes me who I am.

I ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for Christians, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him — endless energy, boundless strength! Ephesians 1:17-19 (TMB)

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