One Another

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  Honor one another above yourselves.  Romans 12:10 NIV

Psalm 149:9 tells us that the Lord is the honor of all His saints.  Therefore, we honor Him as we honor one another.  Both love and honor are born in the heart.  As my heart yields to honor, the words of my mouth echo the love in my heart.

Other directives linked to the phrase ‘one another’ include:  love one another, prefer one another, receive one another, serve one another, forbear one another, teach one another, forgive one another, comfort one another, edify one another, exhort one another, consider one another, and admonish one another.

We are directed NOT to: judge one another, provoke one another, envy one another, devour one another, betray one another, or hate one another.  The term ‘one another’ levels the field to safeguard saints against self importance.  We honor people, gifts, positions, commissions, callings, and appointments – and those appointed are subject to the equalizing effects of the ‘one another’ scriptures to which we all subscribe.

1 Peter 1:22 talks about having unfeigned love for the brethren and Ephesians 4:15 asks me to speak the truth in love.  The Holy Spirit connected these verses to show me that until the love in my heart is unfeigned the truth spoken is as offensive as clanging brass – doing more harm than good, more dishonor than honor. If the intent is not pure then the noticeable absence of love becomes a stumbling block.  The reproof of truth will cut, not cure.  One word of correction from a heart filled with love is sweeter than all the world’s flattery.  Truth spoken in love prepares a heart for repentance.  Kindness is the tone of honor that coaxes a greater expression of Christ from each of us.

I want to live agreeable with who I am.  If Christ is my life then love is my highest form of self expression. I don’t want to bring correction to others because I think it’s what they need.  I want to speak truth because ‘love’ is who I am – with no expectation or demand for any particular reaction, response, or adjustment.   I simply want to be myself – submitted and subdued by love – and wholesome enough to leave the results up to Him.  I want to speak truth from an empathetic source that genuinely hurts when another hurts…not because the hurting human is offensive or inconvenient.

The Lord never leaves nor forsakes.  The flesh is present with its sin, rebellion, and carelessness yet it does not cause the Lord break fellowship with me.  Grace abounds and mercy triumphs.  Goodness is lavished and love continues to take the initiative toward me – the object of His affection. As I practice this same generosity it becomes impossible to withhold forgiveness from another.  Others need the same freedom that I need – that we might all attain full stature (Ephesians 4:13).  Every person is fighting a great battle.  Kindness is precious.

It is easy to show honor when I commit others into God’s care. It is easy to honor others when I realize God is in control. It is easy to show honor when I trust Christ in you.  It is easy to show honor when I look past the flesh.  It is easy to show honor when I believe we are equal and one in Christ.

Honor is revealed by the level of trust I extend toward you.  Honor breeds safety and fosters acceptance toward one another.  Honor opens the eyes to view the true ‘Christ heart’ of others.  Dishonor proceeds from the flesh and sees only flesh…missing the true view of who we are.   To show dishonor is to miss Christ – the one, only, and every reason we have to honor all men.  If I treat others as the representation of Christ even before they find Him or can see Him in themselves, then their discovery of Him is helped, not hindered.

Honor is armor and it disarms the enemy.  Dishonor is a form of unbelief.  The way I behave toward others will reveal my faith in union.  Do I believe that you are as Christ to me?  In looking at the flesh I refuse to see Him.  In so doing I dishonor myself, you, and the finished work of the cross…all because of unbelief.  Imperfect vessels are the habitation of His choosing and the place where His honor dwells! Honoring one another in the midst of frail human form is faith in action.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Claudia

    Sounds like . . . “We have THIS TREASURE in earthen vessels . . . ”

    His Love abides,

  2. Sara McDaniel

    Hi Susan,
    This phrase jumps out at me:
    Every person is fighting a great battle. Kindness is precious.
    We must always remind ourselves of this. We do not know what others are dealing with at any moment and kindness is a gift we can always give.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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