The Root of Goodness

Inner peace is taking over.  There is so much outer cause for trembling and yet I am at rest.  God really is good.  That’s the big revelation that keeps me safe and secure.

I find myself wanting only the most essential elements; peace, temperance, kindness,  compassion, contentment and wholeness.  I no longer want the  “conditions”  that promise to give me peace…I just want the peace!

Jesus Christ is the visible representation of the Father.  His life, words, and actions revealed the character of my loving Creator.  Jesus said If  I were to ask for a fish I would not be given a scorpion.  It’s the nature of the Father to give good gifts to His children.

When God’s character is no longer under suspicion I see the goodness of all things.   Answer to prayer may not come in the form I imagined, but by knowing the character of my Father I know it is rooted in goodness.

As I continue to abide in this Vine the thorny bush becomes a rose.  Worry, complaint, suspicion, and God-slander becomes obsolete when I get to the root of His goodness.  There is no circumstantial evidence that can sway my heart from the assurance of His good will.

Christ is the covenant.  It all rests in His work, His blood, His righteousness.  I am in Him, He is in me, we are in the Father.  Nothing is of my doing.  His  atonement finished the work.  The understanding of God’s goodness changes the face of the world I live in.  I have peace in the face of chaos, security in the face of fear, abundance in the face of lack, generosity in the face of greed.  All is well, for God is good…

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Responsibly Trusting Him

I bear fruit, not by struggle, but by resting humbly and receptively in His love for me. His presence is my true home; His voice my true conviction. My hope is in Him and He stimulates growth. I trust His ability to meld with my true desire for holiness. I remain still in the midst of motion and I remain in motion in the midst of stillness. With union in view my being conforms my doing.

Bearing fruit takes energy…to have energy I must receive energy for I have none of my own. The ability to receive is based on identity with Christ Who is the only true being within me. My eyes are opening in response to His command. Do I have responsibility? Yes, but it is not what I thought. As I keep shrinking before His Sovereignty, He keeps amending the way I think, see, and process life. I entrust my being, choices, will, waves of emotions, thoughts, actions and re-actions into His care; and I do it over and over again. I am off my back and on my side.

The art of receiving is wrapped in humility; the kind that comes when I am free to be no one and can let go of every identity, save Christ. Only His righteousness (His level of perfection and performance) has the purity to receive the Life of God. Humility identifies with Christ (is no one of consequence apart from Him) and receives all of heaven thereby.

God has free reign with me and He will get Christ out of me through the easiest means and measures available. He softens my heart and conditions my soil. I am His; He has me where I need to be. He creates cooperation within me. My choice is not greater than His will. He is all the while at work in me aligning choices and actions in accordance with His good pleasure. I responsibly trust Him to be the life, breath, ministry, and propagation of His will and gospel in and through me toward others. I expect Him…

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Full Circle of Trust

Trusting Him with “all things Susan” is the action I’ve been taking.  It is actually silencing torment and gracing movement.  Entrusting Him with this life is paving a path of perpetual forgiveness.  To trust Him explicitly is to trust everything that comes my way.  Trusting His goodness and sovereignty in all things is removing the rock of offense from my line of vision.  As trust takes over my heart, my soul is being cushioned with safety and rest. Trusting Him means trusting me and trusting me means trusting you and trusting you means trusting Him.  All is well for God is good!

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