It’s Up to Him

I am here in New Mexico and that is enough.  The rest remains in the hands of the One who generates real emotion and passion.  I expect more from Him than what I know cannot come from me. I won’t limit my expectations in an effort to avoid disappointment.  I shift my focus and cast off restraint when it comes to looking to God to do abundantly above and beyond all I could ask or think.  It”s not up to me to make this “move” meaningful.

We moved on a desire and trust it to make room for a new revelation of Christ.  Desire carves out space for Him to rush into.  The act of desiring is the act of preparing and emptying out a new spot for Him to fill.  Through desire I see my greater need.  Desire seems to arise out of a need with the sole purpose of being able to receive Him as the true supply.  A new desire becomes the next new place in me that He intends to flood.

A desire seems to call Him into my awareness. To recognize a desire and to see its fulfillment is to see a new manifestation of my union with Christ.  Every true desire of my heart is Christ longing to be Himself in me.  To sit with the desire (allowing it to blossom) is to make room for His expression in me, as me.

To take hold of the new means I must let go of the familiar.  For every perceived loss there is an equal or greater gain.  Fruit is born out of death; God makes a statement by taking loss and turning it to gain.  He reveals Himself in the earth of my life through a seedling of desire and His image is reflected in the fruit that is born. He is my surrender…all the way to the point of true reflection.  He supplies the energy and drive.  I remain still in the midst of His motion.

Humility is taking Christ as identity and receiving all of heaven thereby.  Desire is born of God; I know I cannot transform myself.  At best, I can rearrange life and pretend its real change when it is not.  I can alter external environment but only Christ can alter spiritual scenery.  He opens my eyes to see the green and the lush as it springs forth.

Flowers are growing and lining the pathways of my life.  I am like a cracked pot who drips water; I feel flawed – but I will see that every drop of water is creating a bright spot in the earth around me.  Bearing fruit is not my strain or struggle.  It is a natural occurrence for one who abides in the Vine.  I see the fruit that is already born.  The already ripened fruit is being shaken off and the “greater harvest” is up to Him…

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