Waiting on Supplies

Timing is everything…and often questioned.  “What are you going to do” is usually linked to “when are you going to do it”.  Waiting on the Lord can seem vague to onlookers.  Now that “where” is clear (it seems I’m moving to New Mexico) the next concern is… when?!  Well, I’m not sure!  How frustrating for those who simply want to know what’s up! Why don’t you know?  When will you know?  What are you waiting on?  I am waiting on the Lord – but that sounds undefined to most people.  What am I waiting for?  What’s the Lord going to do that will turn the red light to green?

Consider an analogy of military troops who are holed up or hunkered down behind a bunker.  They’re still at war but they’re not advancing the front line. They’re not actively engaged in the battle – in fact, they are laying low on purpose.  What are they waiting for?  Why aren’t they marching on?  If you were to radio in to find out why they are not moving forward you’d most likely learn that they are waiting on supplies.  They’ve run out of ammunition and are waiting for more artillery.

Waiting on the Lord is not that different.  Sometimes, we have to wait for supplies.  Supply comes in many forms.  It could be funding (escrow to close, etc) but the supplies we need may also be less tangible.  We may be waiting for courage, compassion, humility, or confidence.  We may be waiting for faith, grace, insight, or a paradigm shift in perception.  We may be waiting for a change of heart or clarity of mind.  Regardless, we are waiting on the Lord – we are waiting for “supplies” and when they arrive we can take up the arms and move on.

Lord, you are the support of all who are crushed, the lifter of all who are bent down. The eyes of all men are waiting for you; and you give them supply right on time. By the opening of your hand, every living thing has its desire in full measure. Psalms 145:14-16

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Identified by Love

Union with others is established as my own heart and mind align.  Aloofness and emotional withdrawal occur in relationships when I feel separated from my own true being. When I take care of the root, the branches bear good fruit.  If I focus on a branch instead, then every relational offshoot is weakened.  The key to restoration is underground. Winds blow and branches sway; but a strong root system empowers any relationship to weather storms.

Feelings that trigger emotional outbursts are like storm systems, temporal in nature.  I feel what I feel, but the feelings do not form my beliefs.  Today’s rain is tomorrow’s sunshine. Truth and love are above the storm in a place undisturbed by gravitational pulls and shifting patterns of hot and cold. I allow, accept, and even affirm my own feelings but then I run them through the sieve of Christ in me. Who I am is higher than how I feel; who I am will temper feelings before they cause harm to those around me.

Trusting the inner work of God in each other is pivotal.  God has never asked me to fix any relationship. He reminds me of the inseparableness of my union with Him and that awareness enhances other relationships.  Schisms heal through the union I find within myself.  My soul returns to Him and all else aligns accordingly.  When I am my own true self then I relate well with others and possess the necessary grace to look past their frailty.  Unconditional love proceeds from who I am; it is not contingent upon another’s conduct. I live with the promise that love conquers all.

Unconditional love may be different than imagined.  Unconditional love doesn’t mean there are no consequence for actions or repercussions for remaining blind. It simply means staying true to who I am even if another forgets who they are.  I remain true to myself even when someone else is temporarily locked in their lower, intolerant, selfish nature.  My love will not be withheld and my interaction or connection may or may not change.  Any change will be in response to the love I know myself to be rather than a reaction of impatience, anger, or annoyance. Unconditional love takes care of the beam in its own eye and trusts the speck in your eye to work itself out.

These days I strive to conserve emotional energy by looking past attitudes in others that formerly triggered negative reactions in me.  I used to spend a lot of time trying to convey how their actions made me feel unloved, unappreciated, or undervalued.  Now I’ve found a passageway that takes me past the maze of “rights and wrongs” that previously kept me looking at relationships from the outside in. I’ve let go of the indignant need for others to see themselves and have found simplicity in my own self view.

I’m at peace knowing that the well-intended self-help industry cannot teach me how to love and be loved, to establish boundaries, create intimacy, or to become a woman who can make someone else happy. Much of the things I tried to learn to fix broken relationships possessed one major flaw – they came at me from the outside in.  They were based on behavior modification rather than heart transformation.  Only God can transform a heart. There are no tips, tricks, secrets, laws, principles, or practices that can turn a selfish heart into a self-less heart.  Repentance is the key to change and even that is a gift from God.  In marriage, as in Christ, I have no rights.  I am bound by love…the true nature of my being.  Good relationships are born in the revelation of who I really am.

Love [the true nature of my being] never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, doesn’t have a swelled head, doesn’t force itself on others, isn’t always “me first,” doesn’t fly off the handle, doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, doesn’t revel when others grovel, takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, puts up with anything, trusts God always, always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end.
1 Corinthians13:4-7 MSG [parenthesis mine]

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