Higher Trust

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Agitating thoughts knock on the door to disturb my peace.  If I leave my heart’s ease to answer their call then trust is abandoned for nervous reasoning over actions and outcomes. Fear cannot survive in the presence of God.  When thoughts are plagued with worry and anxiety it is time to remember God.

God is developing in me an absence of anxiety over the acquisition or loss of things.  If I am grappling to get it makes it impossible for me to respond to what God is trying to give.  The world worries about taking care of itself but in trusting God, I enter a higher way.  The higher revelation of trust is inextricably linked to my understanding of union with Christ.  I am practicing trusting God by trusting who He is in me.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Dink

    This is such a great message for me today. I feel the exact same way as the Lord continues to remind me to SEEK HIM FIRST!!! He draws all men unto Himself and he draws all things unto me that are necessary in this life. If He be lifted up He will draw all men unto Him. When He is drawing us to Himself, He covers our needs as well. Don’t worry about what you will eat or wear or where you will live…The Gospel is filled with this message. He will not give us stones when he knows we need food and shelter. God is so good and your post today reminds me to remember that He alone is my source, my salvation, my life. Matthew 6:33 is the way!

  2. Cyndi Van Meter - Smith

    Hi Susan: Your entry touches me where i’m at. The sentence “I am practicing trusting God by trusting who He is in me” is a call back Home for me. I haven’t had down time with Him and feel exceedingly tired because of it. Going on my own juices, no bueno… what days are you and Mike here in Orange County?

  3. Sue Kennedy

    Hey Cyndi, it was good to see your name! You were hidden in my “awaiting moderation” panel. So sorry, that shouldn’t happen again! I’m not sure when I’ll be back in OC. I haven’t been there for awhile. Our house sold, closing this week. Looks like we’ll be moving to New Mexico. Would love to get together with you and Larry again.

  4. Sue Kennedy

    Dink, you too got lost in my spam filtering. So glad I found you! It is so true…as He draws us to Himself our needs are met along the way. He “keeps us” so effortlessly.

  5. Cyndi

    Susan: Let us know if and when you are availabe to get together. we need to do so before you go to NM. I miss you and Michael.

  6. Cyndi

    did my previous email go through?

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