For Love or Money?

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Living from the head instead of the heart will blind me to who I am and what I want to do in life. There are dozens of roles to play, duties to perform, or jobs to work to earn money; and the mind will easily justify forsaking what I want in lieu of the money I could make at jobs I dislike.

Discontent and unrest are born if the desires of the heart are sacrificed for money.  What good is money without joy? What good is money if the “real me” isn’t present to use it?  Taking a job that frustrates my being will generate grief and conflict.  If my vocation is not in harmony with who I am then I’ll spend money to feel better about myself through the things I can buy.

Greed will emerge as repeated attempts to be satisfied by possessions fail.  I’ll keep trying on “new things” to alleviate my misery.  My ability to spend money in accordance with my true nature will be compromised by the unrelenting dissatisfaction I feel having abandoned my heart for the sake of income.

At this juncture, I don’t know what else to do but trust God to lead me through this maze.  The head screams, the heart aches, the spirit leaps, and the flesh shakes…but through it all God remains active in me…faithfully finishing the good work He began.

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