Being Loved

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All true meaning comes from being loved.  To love unconditionally promotes safety in others.  A glorious sense of belonging permeates the air.  If I put conditions on my love then you are left with only the struggle to be lovable.  This is slavery – the place where performance pressure is in full swing.  How miserable it is to try to be loved – how ecstatic to be loved just as I am.  Trying to be loved creates bondage, being loved fosters freedom. To fear the loss of love is to live in the struggle to behave lovely at all times.  This destroys freedom by raising an impossible bar.

Fear has a cruel nature and unyielding torment.  Its objective is to shroud the present moment – the place where Love dwells.  God wins my heart by loving me in spite of myself, right here, right now.  He leads me to my highest and best without making me feel inferior or defective along the way.  Love completely disarms fear.  If fear compels me to “get more” or to “hold back,” then Love bids me to “let go” and “live extravagantly.”  Love is all for me and my freedom is its goal.  When love sets me free then love for others is unrestrained in me.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Dink

    Thank you for this mom. My heart truly is heart sick of performance-based love; trying to be loveable.

    Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Perfect love casts out fear. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love never fails. God is love. This is the love he has given to us.

    I am overwhelmed by the classroom of your blog, mama. You teach more than any university. You reveal Christ in you. Life. Love. Unity. There is nothing more.

  2. Sue Kennedy

    I am overwhelmed knowing that my daughter considers me a resource from which to draw upon…
    Thank you…I could ask for no greater honor.

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