Remember the New Creation!

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When I revisit the illusion that I can alter my own condition impatience anxiously awaits.  The pressure coaxes me to bow to the image of a separate self and to demand improvement from myself.  If I bow, disappointment steers my perception.  Doubt and discouragement flourish – and for good reason – for when expectations are grounded in the belief that I can ”will a change” apart from God then I am destined for yet another object lesson in the impotence of mankind.  Self-doubt thrives in separated thinking.  Negative perceptions such as, “I’m not good ground, I’m rebellious, or I’m lazy” are images forged by lies.  True discipline is refusing to gaze upon such graven images.  The victory cry becomes, “Remember the new creation!”  Born in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, the new creation rises from the rubble of fallen man to become my reality.  It’s not a matter of if she will prevail, but rather when will her prevalence be my only impetus?  I look to Christ’s image carved upon my heart, beyond the scrutiny of the world and its religion.  I am looking past the temporal to that which is eternal.  It is an exercise in focused attention – the true work of believing.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Doreen Kelley

    What do I say to such a perfect path realized and revealed. I can only say thank you Lord for being my next step, for being the path ever laid before me, yielding me and forging me on. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, (focus on the one eternal love) and when you see him you will be like him. We are the hands, we are the feet, we are the body and we are the mirrors of Christ’s own image. Open our eyes Lord we pray, we want to see Jesus in ourselves and one another! Hi Susan! “You you’re good you”.

  2. Dink

    My mother, the seeker! I am privileged for this reason, that you are forging a path, going in to deep and lonely places, and finding the light within, and on the other side. Privileged to know you. Privileged to learn from you. Privileged to be your daughter in this extravagant gift of LIFE!!!

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