Easy Steps

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Every urge to fix myself is a temptation designed to thwart faith and strengthen the illusion of independence.  I am provoked to prove an identity that does not exist.  Temptation tries to move me into a position of separated thinking.  Dismissing the urge is a continual lesson in letting go.

The enticement to take matters into my own hands or to try to make something happen is subliminal.  Beliefs below the threshold of conscious thought continually incite the effort to manufacture change.  If I take the bait, faith is undermined by inevitable failure.  Failure is inevitable because the flesh cannot replicate the freedom of the spirit.  I’m weary of trying; the need to prove any thing is disappearing.

Goaded steps or even those that resemble a parent coaxing a child feel unnatural.  I want steps that are confident and relaxed.  I want natural steps, or none at all.  Life’s too short to keep calculating steps in a vain effort to prove potency.  I will take the steps that arrive with clarity – with no mental effort, strain or manipulation.

When I hear a word I won’t presume it to be an invitation to perform.  I will not translate words into laws or allow the mind to assign meaning to that which only my heart has heard.  Words spoken in my heart are spirit and life; they supply their own freedom of movement and their action isn’t noticed until I am already in motion.

Argument and logic need not agree with my action.   Although the mind loves to analyze situations (so it can take credit for outcomes) it has no role in decisions of the heart.  An unsubdued mind resists the submissive role it plays in a life of true union.  It takes time, but my soul is bowing her knee to the “knowing” deep within.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Claudia

    BEAUTIFUL! Spoken from Union Awareness, the pearl of great price.

  2. Michael

    “Argument and logic need not agree with my action.” Indeed, though somewhat foreign to our (Western) spiritual upbringing. Thankfully our God can get past this raising as the (His) desire to know Life and Love ever more so rises within.

    “It takes time…’knowing’ deep within”. It certainly does. But I don’t want to turn back now!

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