More Paradox

In co-union I find the poise of life—the balance between being broken and running wild; between lying down and running away; between being selfish and being selfless.  Although, paradoxically speaking how can I be “self-less?”  Christ did not come to replace self or to eradicate it.  It is “self” that accurately bears the image of one deity or the other.  On one side of paradox it is impossible to be selfless for God created me to be a self.  He asks me to love my neighbor as my self.  Therefore the self is to be loved, even as the neighbor is to be loved.  Loving and affirming myself is right – being the best possible me (self) I can be is my grateful response to God.  In doing so, Christ is glorified for it is then that His image is born again.  Love needs a self to express from, toward, and through.  Hence, Christ was born.  Hence, I too was born.  I ache for God, and yet it is God’s ache for me that sets the craving in motion. I ache to be me…this is His will at work in me.

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