I’m Back!

Claudia said the road trip would be a God journey – about far more than the obvious.  Was it ever! From my angle, it was a continued weaning from the false cry for identity, definition, and the labels I’d placed on myself. There was darkness, and in the end… sweet light that revealed God’s right to define me.

I often felt I was in a very dark cave.  There by appointment, but uncomfortable none-the-less.  The cave was painful.  Unable to see, I stubbed my toe and hit my shin; but I couldn’t back up.  I had to keep going knowing I might bump my head too.

Darkness tested the paradox between the unalienable right to be myself and the freedom to be nobody at all. The silence hurt my ears but I did not cover them.  Shedding pretense was worth losing what I thought was so important.   I faced flaws… deep, dark, spiritual flaws; the kinds that mar the character and mask true identity.  I was pained until I saw that the obstacles I bumped in the dark were the things I was unwilling to see about myself.

I am back, but the journey continues.  Humility severed the need for definition and revealed that I was never undefined.  I am who He says I am;  He calls me a writer.  I belong to Him; He will prove Himself through me in the vein of His choosing.

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