His Choice

As I leave self-scrutiny behind, the real “me” is free to emerge.  My view into the heart of God is His choice for me; it’s the revelation of who He’s chosen to be in me.  From this vantage point I see the scope of all He intends to be through me.  I’m confident enough now to let me be – no matter how simplistic the view.  It’s easy to adopt the expression of God in another, but I will ache until I am who He’s chosen to be in me.  It is this that gives my heart its proper rhythm. Life is asking me to live while pointing out that the only life I will live is the life I will live right now.  Life wants to make Pinocchio a real boy and give the Tin man a heart.  I’ve longed for passion and now I know…when vision allows me to be me, then my passion for life will fuel my darkest hour.

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