Timing is Everything

I don’t need to do great things; I just need to know that my life is Christ coming through to those I’ve known.  It’s a simple dream… but it is mine.  With this as my core, all other dreams are born.

Dreams spark desires and from desires requests are made; but good asking requires good timing.  I ask when I am so full of the question that I cannot contain it any longer.   With the asking comes a knowing that the answer is on its way; but not necessarily right around the corner.  I may pass through deserts and valleys.  I may experience the disappointment of delay and even try to create my own shortcuts; but I learn to trust even in the dark. Delay prepares me for what lies ahead.  Every trial and seeming set back in life is an invitation to grow up.  Trials transform me into a person who can sustain and appreciate the dream’s fulfillment.

I would really like the house to sell…YESTERDAY!  Ultimately, I know that delay is present only because there are things that are being made ready.  If the answer could come right away, it would.  Since it’s not, I know it will do so just as soon as all the pieces are in place.  To rely on perfect timing is to trust a bigger picture, a higher view, a Sovereign God.  There is more than what currently meets the eye.  When the parts align and come into focus the timing will make sense.  To trust love is to never worry again about what seems to be delay.

So be it…

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