Trusting Motive

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If I won’t let go of the discourtesy of another (real or imaginary) then what will I do with it?  Holding onto a lack of consideration in another (or my own for that matter) hurts.  Forgiveness is a good starting place when looking for clear perspective.  It’s a waste of time to determine if my perception of someone else’s action is accurate.  To rely on mental discernment is to enter the twisted imaginings of a false and fleeting ego. Who I really am knows what is real versus mere projection and conjecture…more importantly, she knows what to do with what she knows.  Imaginations are cast down when I let go – and easily executed when I remember there is no “me” who needs defending.  In the circle of life, wrongs turn to rights and all things come back into the light. I can trust the heart, motive, and intentions of each person (including me) because I trust God.  This is the purist view that’s simplifying my thought life.  I see vessels of honor, green pastures, and rich fruit.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. doreen kelley

    Wow that’s beautiful. From every window we are given a glorious view. Thank you Susan for giving us the view from the windows of your RV and especially thank you for the view from the windows of your soul.

  2. Claudia

    As I come here this morning to check and see if there was something ‘new’ added, I read the beginning of your journey along with all the other comments . . . coming to this one from Doreen . . . and it strikes me how RICH I really am! How blessed I am with these JEWELS of the Lord in the form of this (His) friendship He has brought us all too. I read WORDS OF LIFE that comfort my soul simply because they are here. There are multitudes of words throughout our days, but only HIS that truly feed, sustain and strengthen by their PRESENCE in His many membered form 🙂
    I love you all.

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