Trusting Motive

If I won’t let go of the discourtesy of another (real or imaginary) then what will I do with it?  Holding onto a lack of consideration in another (or my own for that matter) hurts.  Forgiveness is a good starting place when looking for clear perspective.  It’s a waste of time to determine if my perception of someone else’s action is accurate.  To rely on mental discernment is to enter the twisted imaginings of a false and fleeting ego. Who I really am knows what is real versus mere projection and conjecture…more importantly, she knows what to do with what she knows.  Imaginations are cast down when I let go – and easily executed when I remember there is no “me” who needs defending.  In the circle of life, wrongs turn to rights and all things come back into the light. I can trust the heart, motive, and intentions of each person (including me) because I trust God.  This is the purist view that’s simplifying my thought life.  I see vessels of honor, green pastures, and rich fruit.

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