Choosing Occurs in Union

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The paradox of choice continues to challenge me. The solid changes that occurred last year seem to have nothing to do with the quality of my choices. I did not struggle to effect the changes – and when I get something that I didn’t have to work for, it is generally considered a gift.

Perhaps my difficulty in reconciling the subject of choice has less to do with the act of choosing and more to do with where the choice is made from. I’ve seen choice as something I do from the soul or the reasoning mind. I choose after deliberating pros and cons, weighing consequences, or analyzing the in’s and out’s. After careful consideration, a choice is made…the quality of which is evaluated by the results. Choices made from the soul’s arena rely heavily on outward signs and are fueled by ego – with either arrogance or self-doubt.

Conceivably, when the soul takes hold of the subject of choice it is perverted. The soul makes choice the identifying mark of man – our own small claim to independence that perpetuates the illusion of separation from God and keeps us feeling like we are in control. Ego allots choice too much power and dominion, causing man to assume too much autonomy and self-government. In essence, it separates the act of choosing from God.

Considering that choice is viable – I believe it belongs to the spirit of man and functions so differently that it is hardly recognizable as choice. If we choose from the spirit – where we are one with Christ – then the act of choosing cannot be separated from God. We choose, but with such humility that the choice is not distinguishable as our own. It is Christ, choosing effortlessly and baring no resemblance to what we formerly called choice.

Choice occurs…but it feels like pure gift. I choose, but am not conscious of my choosing. I change, but am not conscious of my changing. I can fearlessly receive all that life has for me, knowing every choice took flight in union with God. I choose…yet not I, but Christ chooses in, by, through, for, and as me.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Doreen

    How beautiful! So beautiful that I will repeat it. “I can fearlessly receive all that life has for me, knowing every choice took flight in union with God. I choose…yet not I, but Christ chooses in, by, through, for, and as me.” Love,(perfect love) does cast out all fear. I can live confidently and fearlessly in my everyday life knowing that Christ is the pilot of this aircraft. It is Christ at work both willing and perfecting his good pleasure in us as us. Yes Susan we are not conscious of the choosing or the change because our eyes our not on self, when our eyes our on Christ we choose from the Spirit of God and there is no separation. There is only one. We are not keeping a growth chart on the wall as we did when we were children, jumping out of bed everyday to measure and mark our progress. We now measure our stature in Christ. It is from this place that we end our struggle to be someone other than who we are right now.
    Dare we say there is only one resl choice, all else is just an illusion of “self”- control that are members indulge in apart from the mind and Spirit of Christ. hummm…. thank you Susan,…. Selah…

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